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Saturday, December 31, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
CAG Report – A Damning Indictment of Government and Reliance
The CAG Report on the audit of the Production Sharing Contracts for the on-shore and off-shore oil and gas blocks once again shows the unholy nexus between the UPA and big capital in the country. The CAG has shown how the Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) and the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoPNG) connived with Reliance Industries and other private operators against the interests of the people. Some of the salient issues brought out by CAG are:
Private operators grossly inflating the capital costs for equipment to claim a much higher share of the profit petroleum
In procurement of equipment, a number of one party financial bids, major revision of scope/quantities/specifications, substantial variation in order quantities, post bid modifications in major high value contracts
Allowing the whole 7645 sq km exploration area to be retained by Reliance instead of of their entitlement of retaining only 5% of this area after 2009 in complete violation of the Production Sharing Contract.
There has been some criticism that CAG's draft report has been diluted in the final report. This is not borne out by facts. CAG's language might become a little softer, but its conclusions remain essentially unchanged.
A major part of the report is devoted to the KG Basin – KG-DWN-98/3 deep-water Block, also known as KG D-6 Block. Reliance has argued that the increase of capital cost from $2.4 billion to $8.8 billion was for augmenting gas field output from 40 mmscmd to 80 mmscmd. The CAG Report now makes clear that the increase from $2.4 billion to $5.2 billion took place for the first phase itself, where no augmentation of capacity was involved.
It is important to note that the evaluation of bids that were made for the award of of the exploration blocks is linked to the financial packages that the bidders offered. As the profit share and other measures promised by the bidders in the financial package are linked to capital costs, this huge change in capital costs makes nonsense of the bidding procedure for awarding of blocks.
Worse is the timing of the approvals. The original cost estimates of $2.4 billion was a part of the Initial Development Plan (IDP) submitted by Reliance in May 2004. In October 2006, Reliance submitted an Addendum to the IDP for an upward revision of the costs to $ 5.2 billion for the 1st phase and another $ 3.6 billion for the second phase – a whopping increase of $6.2 billion over the original estimate. The Management Committee which had 50% representation from the Government cleared this increase by December 12th 2006 – in a period of less than 2 months!
In a single party financial bid, a contract of $ 1.1 billion was given to Aker Floating Production, a part of the Aker group for a 10-year lease on a Floating Production and Storage and Offloading (FPSO) Vessel Another contract of $200 million for O&M services was also given to Aker for the same FPSO. This was originally budgeted for $300 million. All other bidders were disqualified and only Aker's financial bid was opened.
CAG has also pointed out the following with respect to the Aker's above contract:
Aker did not meet the requirements of the specifications with respect to its experience in such contracts
Its financial bid was not signed and should not have been considered
It was allowed to make post technical bid modifications – an opportunity not given to the other bidders
Aker had brought to two oil tankers for $55 million and the conversion cost of the two tankers to FPSO by Jurong Shipyard was $ 88 million.
The CAG Report has pointed out 8 contracts were given to Aker group out of 10 single party bids on what appears prima facie to be sweet-heart deals. CAG has rejected Reliance's claims that its procurement procedures cannot be subjected to CAG audit and stated that it is going to examine these issues in greater detail in a subsequent audit.
The issue of high capital cost is not merely that of skimming off the top by incurring fictitious or inflated capital expenditure. It changes the revenue share between the private party and the Government completely. The Investment Multiple to which profits of GoI and private parties are indexed, is the ratio of the cumulative net cash income to the cumulative exploration and development costs – it is a measure of the capital intensive nature of the project. CAG has pointed out, “The slabs for profit sharing are so designed that more capital expensive the project (i.e. lower IM), the lower the GoI's share of the “profit petroleum” (which could be as low as 5-10%). Contrarily, the higher the IM (i.e. less capital intensive vis-a-vis the income) higher the GOI's share of the profit petroleum (which could be as high as 85%).”
Recent press reports indicate that Reliance's basis of capital cost increase – augmenting gas flow from 40 mmscmd to 80 mmscmd has fallen far short of its promise – the gas output is now well below 60 mmscmd. The Solicitor General has given his opinion – as per news reports – that GoI's profit share should not be reduced due to this capital expenditure as prima facie this is not a valid expenditure.
The CAG report has also given a chart of the receipts of the GoI from royalties and Profit Petroleum from 2005-06 to 2010-2011. It shows that while royalties have been rising steadily showing an increase in oil production from the Production Sharing Contracts, the receipt from profit petroleum falls abruptly from Rs. 5,926 crore in 2009-2010 to Rs. 3,610 in 2010-2011. This is in spite of an increase of royalties showing clearly that output in this period has physically increased. While CAG has given no explanation for this, it is clear that all is not well with the NELP and the Production Sharing Contracts with private parties.
In November 2009, preliminary investigations by the CBI had found evidence of “gross abuse and misuse of public office” by V K Sibal, the then Director General of DGH. This had been informed to the Petroleum Ministry and to CVC. Numerous links had been found between Sibal and Reliance. The CBI enquiry remains stalled, very much in the telecom 2G mode, showing that Reliance tentacles in the Government go far beyond Sibal.
Apart from the major scam of gold-plating of contracts, the other major issue is that DGH and Ministry connived with Reliance so that it could “hoard” the entire exploration area as discovery area. As per the Production Sharing Contract, Reliance was supposed to vacate 25% of the exploration area in the first phase, 50% in the second phase and all areas in which it had not sunk wells or developed oil wells in the third phase. Instead, Reliance never relinquished any of the areas and has been allowed to keep all 100% of the 7645 sq km of the exploration area in complete violation of the contract.
If any company takes a particular area for exploration, it must finish the exploration within a certain time period or release it back to Government for awarding it to others. It cannot sit on top of an exploration area and hoard it indefinitely for the future. That is why the clause of progressive release of exploration areas back to the Government.
Normally, when gas or oil is struck in an area, its nearby areas are also likely to have hydrocarbon deposits. The value of such areas would therefore go up for any subsequent auction. Hoarding such areas means that though the party considered has not spent the money it was required for exploration, it is still allowed to retain this area and explore it at leisure. The entire purpose of NELP of time bound and expeditious development of India's hydrocarbon resources gets defeated if private parties are allowed to retain exploration areas indefinitely without doing any development work.
The Panna Mukta oilfield and the one held by Cairn Energy shows similar features to the KG DWN 98/3 Block issues. This brings into question the entire New Exploration Policy and the way it is being implemented by MoPNG and DGH. CAG report has also brought how Reliance and other contractors have flouted various contract terms and conditions, how it has incurred expenditure without approvals, did not submit required plans and documents, etc. The major issues it has raised is the way that the Government has supervised the production sharing contracts. It has also suggested that a far simpler scheme would be to peg Government's take simply on the output – this way no complex mechanism needs to be put in place for monitoring the contracts and the purchases. For existing contracts, where a profit sharing arrangement is in place, the Government has to exercise far greater vigilance than it has shown till now to protects its revenues.
Both DGH and MoP&NG have clearly connived with Reliance and the private operators. CAG has also made an observation that DGH has to separate its two roles – one as a technical advisor to the MoPNG the other is its regulatory role. The key issue is however not that of separation of roles as much as playing the role it was designed to do – safeguard the interests of the people in the production sharing contracts. This, it has clearly failed to do.
Various other criticisms have been mounted against CAG – one by Congress MP's in Parliament and echoed by others outside – that CAG is going beyond its role of audit into policies. In this case, CAG has examined only those which pertain to GoI's revenues share being reduced. Unfortunately, today policies are being crafted in a way to suit private interests and against public good. Both 2G spectrum allocation and the NELP are policies which have benefited private parties to the detriment of public good.
There are two sets of issues that need to be addressed urgently. One is that immediate measures need to be taken to vis-a-vis Reliance and other private parties. These include:
Taking back 95% of the exploration area retained by Reliance in gross violation of the Production Sharing Contract
Imposing penalties on Reliance and other private parties for gold-plating contracts
Ensuring that such increase is considered invalid expenditure such that GoI's share of the profit petroleum is not reduced
For the Government, the following steps need to be taken so that a repeat of this does not take place again:
Immediate prosecution of Sibal and other concerned officials
Investigation of the role of Ministry of Petroleum and the erstwhile Petroleum Minister in this
Strengthening the role of the Government in the Management Committee for the existing contracts
Change in Production Sharing Contracts to prevent such misuse
Review of the NELP
Private operators grossly inflating the capital costs for equipment to claim a much higher share of the profit petroleum
In procurement of equipment, a number of one party financial bids, major revision of scope/quantities/specifications, substantial variation in order quantities, post bid modifications in major high value contracts
Allowing the whole 7645 sq km exploration area to be retained by Reliance instead of of their entitlement of retaining only 5% of this area after 2009 in complete violation of the Production Sharing Contract.
There has been some criticism that CAG's draft report has been diluted in the final report. This is not borne out by facts. CAG's language might become a little softer, but its conclusions remain essentially unchanged.
A major part of the report is devoted to the KG Basin – KG-DWN-98/3 deep-water Block, also known as KG D-6 Block. Reliance has argued that the increase of capital cost from $2.4 billion to $8.8 billion was for augmenting gas field output from 40 mmscmd to 80 mmscmd. The CAG Report now makes clear that the increase from $2.4 billion to $5.2 billion took place for the first phase itself, where no augmentation of capacity was involved.
It is important to note that the evaluation of bids that were made for the award of of the exploration blocks is linked to the financial packages that the bidders offered. As the profit share and other measures promised by the bidders in the financial package are linked to capital costs, this huge change in capital costs makes nonsense of the bidding procedure for awarding of blocks.
Worse is the timing of the approvals. The original cost estimates of $2.4 billion was a part of the Initial Development Plan (IDP) submitted by Reliance in May 2004. In October 2006, Reliance submitted an Addendum to the IDP for an upward revision of the costs to $ 5.2 billion for the 1st phase and another $ 3.6 billion for the second phase – a whopping increase of $6.2 billion over the original estimate. The Management Committee which had 50% representation from the Government cleared this increase by December 12th 2006 – in a period of less than 2 months!
In a single party financial bid, a contract of $ 1.1 billion was given to Aker Floating Production, a part of the Aker group for a 10-year lease on a Floating Production and Storage and Offloading (FPSO) Vessel Another contract of $200 million for O&M services was also given to Aker for the same FPSO. This was originally budgeted for $300 million. All other bidders were disqualified and only Aker's financial bid was opened.
CAG has also pointed out the following with respect to the Aker's above contract:
Aker did not meet the requirements of the specifications with respect to its experience in such contracts
Its financial bid was not signed and should not have been considered
It was allowed to make post technical bid modifications – an opportunity not given to the other bidders
Aker had brought to two oil tankers for $55 million and the conversion cost of the two tankers to FPSO by Jurong Shipyard was $ 88 million.
The CAG Report has pointed out 8 contracts were given to Aker group out of 10 single party bids on what appears prima facie to be sweet-heart deals. CAG has rejected Reliance's claims that its procurement procedures cannot be subjected to CAG audit and stated that it is going to examine these issues in greater detail in a subsequent audit.
The issue of high capital cost is not merely that of skimming off the top by incurring fictitious or inflated capital expenditure. It changes the revenue share between the private party and the Government completely. The Investment Multiple to which profits of GoI and private parties are indexed, is the ratio of the cumulative net cash income to the cumulative exploration and development costs – it is a measure of the capital intensive nature of the project. CAG has pointed out, “The slabs for profit sharing are so designed that more capital expensive the project (i.e. lower IM), the lower the GoI's share of the “profit petroleum” (which could be as low as 5-10%). Contrarily, the higher the IM (i.e. less capital intensive vis-a-vis the income) higher the GOI's share of the profit petroleum (which could be as high as 85%).”
Recent press reports indicate that Reliance's basis of capital cost increase – augmenting gas flow from 40 mmscmd to 80 mmscmd has fallen far short of its promise – the gas output is now well below 60 mmscmd. The Solicitor General has given his opinion – as per news reports – that GoI's profit share should not be reduced due to this capital expenditure as prima facie this is not a valid expenditure.
The CAG report has also given a chart of the receipts of the GoI from royalties and Profit Petroleum from 2005-06 to 2010-2011. It shows that while royalties have been rising steadily showing an increase in oil production from the Production Sharing Contracts, the receipt from profit petroleum falls abruptly from Rs. 5,926 crore in 2009-2010 to Rs. 3,610 in 2010-2011. This is in spite of an increase of royalties showing clearly that output in this period has physically increased. While CAG has given no explanation for this, it is clear that all is not well with the NELP and the Production Sharing Contracts with private parties.
In November 2009, preliminary investigations by the CBI had found evidence of “gross abuse and misuse of public office” by V K Sibal, the then Director General of DGH. This had been informed to the Petroleum Ministry and to CVC. Numerous links had been found between Sibal and Reliance. The CBI enquiry remains stalled, very much in the telecom 2G mode, showing that Reliance tentacles in the Government go far beyond Sibal.
Apart from the major scam of gold-plating of contracts, the other major issue is that DGH and Ministry connived with Reliance so that it could “hoard” the entire exploration area as discovery area. As per the Production Sharing Contract, Reliance was supposed to vacate 25% of the exploration area in the first phase, 50% in the second phase and all areas in which it had not sunk wells or developed oil wells in the third phase. Instead, Reliance never relinquished any of the areas and has been allowed to keep all 100% of the 7645 sq km of the exploration area in complete violation of the contract.
If any company takes a particular area for exploration, it must finish the exploration within a certain time period or release it back to Government for awarding it to others. It cannot sit on top of an exploration area and hoard it indefinitely for the future. That is why the clause of progressive release of exploration areas back to the Government.
Normally, when gas or oil is struck in an area, its nearby areas are also likely to have hydrocarbon deposits. The value of such areas would therefore go up for any subsequent auction. Hoarding such areas means that though the party considered has not spent the money it was required for exploration, it is still allowed to retain this area and explore it at leisure. The entire purpose of NELP of time bound and expeditious development of India's hydrocarbon resources gets defeated if private parties are allowed to retain exploration areas indefinitely without doing any development work.
The Panna Mukta oilfield and the one held by Cairn Energy shows similar features to the KG DWN 98/3 Block issues. This brings into question the entire New Exploration Policy and the way it is being implemented by MoPNG and DGH. CAG report has also brought how Reliance and other contractors have flouted various contract terms and conditions, how it has incurred expenditure without approvals, did not submit required plans and documents, etc. The major issues it has raised is the way that the Government has supervised the production sharing contracts. It has also suggested that a far simpler scheme would be to peg Government's take simply on the output – this way no complex mechanism needs to be put in place for monitoring the contracts and the purchases. For existing contracts, where a profit sharing arrangement is in place, the Government has to exercise far greater vigilance than it has shown till now to protects its revenues.
Both DGH and MoP&NG have clearly connived with Reliance and the private operators. CAG has also made an observation that DGH has to separate its two roles – one as a technical advisor to the MoPNG the other is its regulatory role. The key issue is however not that of separation of roles as much as playing the role it was designed to do – safeguard the interests of the people in the production sharing contracts. This, it has clearly failed to do.
Various other criticisms have been mounted against CAG – one by Congress MP's in Parliament and echoed by others outside – that CAG is going beyond its role of audit into policies. In this case, CAG has examined only those which pertain to GoI's revenues share being reduced. Unfortunately, today policies are being crafted in a way to suit private interests and against public good. Both 2G spectrum allocation and the NELP are policies which have benefited private parties to the detriment of public good.
There are two sets of issues that need to be addressed urgently. One is that immediate measures need to be taken to vis-a-vis Reliance and other private parties. These include:
Taking back 95% of the exploration area retained by Reliance in gross violation of the Production Sharing Contract
Imposing penalties on Reliance and other private parties for gold-plating contracts
Ensuring that such increase is considered invalid expenditure such that GoI's share of the profit petroleum is not reduced
For the Government, the following steps need to be taken so that a repeat of this does not take place again:
Immediate prosecution of Sibal and other concerned officials
Investigation of the role of Ministry of Petroleum and the erstwhile Petroleum Minister in this
Strengthening the role of the Government in the Management Committee for the existing contracts
Change in Production Sharing Contracts to prevent such misuse
Review of the NELP
Why GOI has not appointed ONGC Chairman for more than 6
Months, why only acting chairman?
Answer is - only to prefer RIL-BP DEAL.
Draft Report (2010–2011) - The Comptroller and Auditor General of India’s (CAG) first ever audit of oil and gas companies operating in India, said in no uncertain terms that the Government of India unduly favoured private oil and natural gas explorers including the Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Industries Ltd, thus incurring a huge loss to the exchequer. The CAG report mentioned that the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MOP&NG) and its regulatory arm – the Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) – allegedly favoured at least three private oil and natural gas explorers.
The report alleges that the government allowed Ambani’s Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) to violate terms of its contract with the government for exploration in the Krishna-Godavari basin (KG-D6). Allegedly, 70% of the draft Comptroller and Auditor General of India report is devoted to Reliance Industries Ltd alone.
The CAG sent its Draft Report to the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MOP&NG) on June 8, 2011. The CAG report also noted that former Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) permitted Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) to inflate its development costs on extracting the gas in the D6 block to the KG basin (KG-D6) from USD $2.47 billion to a huge USD $ 8.84 billion.
The CAG also cited a joint venture of RIL with British Gas(BG) and Oil and Natural Gas Corporation(ONGC) for hiking development costs in the Panna-Mukta and Tapti gas fields. It has been earlier been alleged that an Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) had allowed Reliance Industries Ltd to sell per unit of the gas at a price of INR Rs. 4.20 even as the government companies were selling the same for just INR Rs. 1.20.
In 2009 senior Income Tax officials in its report warned the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) of India, of a nexus between Reliance Industries Ltd and bureaucrats in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MOP&NG).The CBI was alerted in this report to the possibility that Reliance Industries Ltd had bought a house for (Vinod Kumar Sibal) V K Sibal, Head of the Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH), the technical arm of the Ministry of Petroleum that supervises licenses and permissions for private operators. (http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2011-05-06/news/29517187_1_reliance-gas-block-hardy-oil-niko-resources )
In response, on 7th October 2009, the Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH), through full-page advertisements, said that the capital expenditure at RIL’s KG-D6 field had gone up from USD $ 2.47 billion to USD $ 8.8 billion due to a three-fold rise in plant capacity, doubling of output, 16 additional wells and a host of other facilities.
Vinod Kumar Sibal is related to Kapil Sibal, Minister of Human Resource Development and Minister of Communications and Information Technology.On 1st of July, 2011, in the registration of a formal case of corruption against V K Sibal, former DGH, the CBI also mentioned a Houston-based company – GX Technology (GXT) and its Indian representative — Sujata Venkatraman, for showering favours on V K Sibal and his family members. It had been alleged that the entire cost incurred by Sonia Sibal, the former DGH’s younger daughter, in completing a hotel management course from one of the prestigious institutes of Switzerland was borne by Sujata Venkatraman of GX Technology (GXT).
On 24th of June, 2011, Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) Chairperson Mukesh Ambani met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh amid accusations of his company increasing capital expenditure and violating terms of contracts with the Government of India. Ambani met the PM in the wake of the Draft Report from the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) that had alleged that RIL received favours from the Ministry of Petroleum and Directorate General of Hydrocarbons, the regulator for oil hunting companies. RIL had also obtained portions of the CAG Draft Report after it made a request to the Ministry of Petroleum.
In October, 2009, CBI had initiated a probe against V K Sibal on allegations that he had received favours from Mukesh Ambani-owned Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) for approving a near four-fold hike — to $8.8 billion — in expenditure for gas field. Official sources in the CBI said a reference had been received from the Central Vigilance Commission(CVC) in this regard and the agency would look into it. The then CVC Secretary K.S. Ramasubban had on October 1, 2009, written to the then CBI Director Ashwani Kumar seeking discreet field verification on the allegations of RIL purchasing flats in Mumbai for Mr. Sibal’s daughter and incurring expenses over purchase of consumer durables for her. “It is alleged that Sibal favoured RIL and approved a phenomenal increase in the capital expenditure from $2.4 billion to $8.8 billion for KG D6 field between September and December 2006 in lieu of personal favours/ services from RIL Group of Industries,” said CBI’s PE no 6(A)/2009 filed by its Anti-Corruption Unit.
DHIRUBHAI AMBANI TRUTH:—– You can find Dhirubhai Ambani's relation with Indira Gandhi , how he got tax & excise exemption. How Indira Gandhi favoured Dhirubhai , in the book– “The Polyester Prince”.
DOWNLOAD THE BOOK FROM HERE:– http://www.ziddu.com/download/6202617/DhirbhaiAmbani.rar.html
Is K-G Basin the personal Property of Mukesh Ambani , because he bribed politicians? Who is Mukesh Ambani to sell 30% of K-G Basin Block to British Petroleum & receive money? Why is Indian paid Media silent on this? Media is acting like Mafia in our country , working for Industries & Politicians as a lobby. This scam is much bigger than 2-G scam or Rs-48 lakh crore coal scam or are we waiting for 10.2 Billion USD defence deal scam what Indian Government is planning?
Answer is - only to prefer RIL-BP DEAL.
Draft Report (2010–2011) - The Comptroller and Auditor General of India’s (CAG) first ever audit of oil and gas companies operating in India, said in no uncertain terms that the Government of India unduly favoured private oil and natural gas explorers including the Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Industries Ltd, thus incurring a huge loss to the exchequer. The CAG report mentioned that the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MOP&NG) and its regulatory arm – the Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) – allegedly favoured at least three private oil and natural gas explorers.
The report alleges that the government allowed Ambani’s Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) to violate terms of its contract with the government for exploration in the Krishna-Godavari basin (KG-D6). Allegedly, 70% of the draft Comptroller and Auditor General of India report is devoted to Reliance Industries Ltd alone.
The CAG sent its Draft Report to the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MOP&NG) on June 8, 2011. The CAG report also noted that former Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) permitted Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) to inflate its development costs on extracting the gas in the D6 block to the KG basin (KG-D6) from USD $2.47 billion to a huge USD $ 8.84 billion.
The CAG also cited a joint venture of RIL with British Gas(BG) and Oil and Natural Gas Corporation(ONGC) for hiking development costs in the Panna-Mukta and Tapti gas fields. It has been earlier been alleged that an Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) had allowed Reliance Industries Ltd to sell per unit of the gas at a price of INR Rs. 4.20 even as the government companies were selling the same for just INR Rs. 1.20.
In 2009 senior Income Tax officials in its report warned the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) of India, of a nexus between Reliance Industries Ltd and bureaucrats in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MOP&NG).The CBI was alerted in this report to the possibility that Reliance Industries Ltd had bought a house for (Vinod Kumar Sibal) V K Sibal, Head of the Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH), the technical arm of the Ministry of Petroleum that supervises licenses and permissions for private operators. (http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2011-05-06/news/29517187_1_reliance-gas-block-hardy-oil-niko-resources )
In response, on 7th October 2009, the Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH), through full-page advertisements, said that the capital expenditure at RIL’s KG-D6 field had gone up from USD $ 2.47 billion to USD $ 8.8 billion due to a three-fold rise in plant capacity, doubling of output, 16 additional wells and a host of other facilities.
Vinod Kumar Sibal is related to Kapil Sibal, Minister of Human Resource Development and Minister of Communications and Information Technology.On 1st of July, 2011, in the registration of a formal case of corruption against V K Sibal, former DGH, the CBI also mentioned a Houston-based company – GX Technology (GXT) and its Indian representative — Sujata Venkatraman, for showering favours on V K Sibal and his family members. It had been alleged that the entire cost incurred by Sonia Sibal, the former DGH’s younger daughter, in completing a hotel management course from one of the prestigious institutes of Switzerland was borne by Sujata Venkatraman of GX Technology (GXT).
On 24th of June, 2011, Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) Chairperson Mukesh Ambani met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh amid accusations of his company increasing capital expenditure and violating terms of contracts with the Government of India. Ambani met the PM in the wake of the Draft Report from the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) that had alleged that RIL received favours from the Ministry of Petroleum and Directorate General of Hydrocarbons, the regulator for oil hunting companies. RIL had also obtained portions of the CAG Draft Report after it made a request to the Ministry of Petroleum.
In October, 2009, CBI had initiated a probe against V K Sibal on allegations that he had received favours from Mukesh Ambani-owned Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) for approving a near four-fold hike — to $8.8 billion — in expenditure for gas field. Official sources in the CBI said a reference had been received from the Central Vigilance Commission(CVC) in this regard and the agency would look into it. The then CVC Secretary K.S. Ramasubban had on October 1, 2009, written to the then CBI Director Ashwani Kumar seeking discreet field verification on the allegations of RIL purchasing flats in Mumbai for Mr. Sibal’s daughter and incurring expenses over purchase of consumer durables for her. “It is alleged that Sibal favoured RIL and approved a phenomenal increase in the capital expenditure from $2.4 billion to $8.8 billion for KG D6 field between September and December 2006 in lieu of personal favours/ services from RIL Group of Industries,” said CBI’s PE no 6(A)/2009 filed by its Anti-Corruption Unit.
DHIRUBHAI AMBANI TRUTH:—– You can find Dhirubhai Ambani's relation with Indira Gandhi , how he got tax & excise exemption. How Indira Gandhi favoured Dhirubhai , in the book– “The Polyester Prince”.
DOWNLOAD THE BOOK FROM HERE:– http://www.ziddu.com/download/6202617/DhirbhaiAmbani.rar.html
Is K-G Basin the personal Property of Mukesh Ambani , because he bribed politicians? Who is Mukesh Ambani to sell 30% of K-G Basin Block to British Petroleum & receive money? Why is Indian paid Media silent on this? Media is acting like Mafia in our country , working for Industries & Politicians as a lobby. This scam is much bigger than 2-G scam or Rs-48 lakh crore coal scam or are we waiting for 10.2 Billion USD defence deal scam what Indian Government is planning?
Monday, November 21, 2011
Lehman like situation is building up in India. KFA is the first in a long list of corporate defaulters. Banks are in the most precarious situation.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Bengalis and Bharat Ratna
For a Bengali Champion - to be eligible for being considered for Bharat Ratna - He/She has to win a Nobel/Oscar/Grammy before
Ravi Shankar - First Grammy in 1967, Bharat Ratna in 1999
Satyajit Ray - Oscar - April 1992, Bharat Ratna - Posthumously later in the same year.
Amartya Sen - Nobel in Economics - 1998, Bharat Ratna - 1999
Tagore - Nobel in literature - 1913, not considered good enough for Bharat Ratna yet
There are innumerable Bengalis who have enriched and inspired not only their nation but the entire human kind by their expertise - Netaji, Jagadish Chandra Bose, Satyen Bose, Vivekananda, Ramkrishna Paramhansa, Dr. Subhas Mukherjee, Kishore Kumar, R.D. Burman, Sunil Gangopadhyay, to name only a few. Scores of Freedom fighters who laid down their lives at a tender age in the freedom struggle of India - unlike Nehru and other Ratna politicians. Masters who displayed their talent and competed with the best in the world - not before a select group of nations - real giants, no little masters.
Ravi Shankar - First Grammy in 1967, Bharat Ratna in 1999
Satyajit Ray - Oscar - April 1992, Bharat Ratna - Posthumously later in the same year.
Amartya Sen - Nobel in Economics - 1998, Bharat Ratna - 1999
Tagore - Nobel in literature - 1913, not considered good enough for Bharat Ratna yet
There are innumerable Bengalis who have enriched and inspired not only their nation but the entire human kind by their expertise - Netaji, Jagadish Chandra Bose, Satyen Bose, Vivekananda, Ramkrishna Paramhansa, Dr. Subhas Mukherjee, Kishore Kumar, R.D. Burman, Sunil Gangopadhyay, to name only a few. Scores of Freedom fighters who laid down their lives at a tender age in the freedom struggle of India - unlike Nehru and other Ratna politicians. Masters who displayed their talent and competed with the best in the world - not before a select group of nations - real giants, no little masters.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
The World's most indebted Nations
Ireland - 1,382%
External debt (as % of GDP): 1,382%
Gross external debt: $2.38 trillion
2010 GDP (est): $172.3 billion
External debt per capita: $566,756
United Kingdom - 413.3%
External debt (as % of GDP): 413.3%
Gross external debt: $8.981 trillion
2010 GDP (est): $2.173 trillion
External debt per capita: $146,953
Switzerland - 401.9%
External debt (as % of GDP): 401.9%
Gross external debt: $1.304 trillion
2010 GDP (est): $324.5 billion
External debt per capita: $171,528
Netherlands - 376.3%
External debt (as % of GDP): 376.3%
Gross external debt: $2.55 trillion
2010 GDP (est): $676.9 billion
External debt per capita: $152,380
Belgium - 335.9%
External debt (as % of GDP): 335.9%
Gross external debt: $1.324 trillion
2010 GDP (est): $394.3 billion
External debt per capita: $127,197
Denmark - 310.4%
External debt (as % of GDP): 310.4%
Gross external debt: $626.1 billion
2010 GDP (est): $201.7 billion
External debt per capita: $113,826
Sweden - 282.2%
External debt (as % of GDP): 282.2%
Gross external debt: $1.001 trillion
2010 GDP (est): $354.7 billion
External debt per capita: $110,479
Finland - 271.5%
External debt (as % of GDP): 271.5%
Gross external debt: $505.06 billion
2010 GDP (est): $186 billion
External debt per capita: $96,197
Austria - 261.1%
External debt (as % of GDP): 261.1%
Gross external debt: $867.14 billion
2010 GDP (est): $332 billion
External debt per capita: $105,616
Norway - 251%
External debt (as % of GDP): 251%
Gross external debt: $640.7 billion
2010 GDP (est): $255.3 billion
External debt per capita: $137,476
Hong Kong - 250.4%
External debt (as % of GDP): 250.4%
Gross external debt: $815.65 billion
2010 GDP (est): $325.8 billion
External debt per capita: $115,612
France - 250%
External debt (as % of GDP): 250%
Gross external debt: $5.37 trillion
2010 GDP (est): $2.15 trillion
External debt per capita: $83,781
Portugal - 223.6%
External debt (as % of GDP): 223.6%
Gross external debt: $552.23 billion
2010 GDP (est): $247 billion
External debt per capita: $51,572
Germany - 185.1%
External debt (as % of GDP): 185.1%
Gross external debt: $5.44 trillion
2010 GDP (est): $2.94 trillion
External debt per capita: $51,572
Greece - 182.2%
External debt (as % of GDP): 182.2%
Gross external debt: $579.7 billion
2010 GDP (est): $318.1 billion
External debt per capita: $53,984
Spain - 179.4%
External debt (as % of GDP): 179.4%
Gross external debt: $2.46 trillion
2010 GDP (est): $1.37 trillion
External debt per capita: $60,614
Italy - 146.6%
External debt (as % of GDP): 146.6%
Gross external debt: $2.602 trillion
2010 GDP (est): $1.77 trillion
External debt per capita: $44,760
Australia - 138.9%
External debt (as % of GDP): 138.9%
Gross external debt: $1.23 trillion
2010 GDP (est): $882.4 billion
External debt per capita: $57,641
Hungary - 120.1%
External debt (as % of GDP): 120.1%
Gross external debt: $225.24 billion
2009 GDP (est): $187.6 billion
External debt per capita: $22,739
United States - 101.1%
External debt (as % of GDP): 101.1%
Gross external debt: $14.825 trillion
2009 GDP (est): $14.66 trillion
External debt per capita: $48,258
External debt (as % of GDP): 1,382%
Gross external debt: $2.38 trillion
2010 GDP (est): $172.3 billion
External debt per capita: $566,756
United Kingdom - 413.3%
External debt (as % of GDP): 413.3%
Gross external debt: $8.981 trillion
2010 GDP (est): $2.173 trillion
External debt per capita: $146,953
Switzerland - 401.9%
External debt (as % of GDP): 401.9%
Gross external debt: $1.304 trillion
2010 GDP (est): $324.5 billion
External debt per capita: $171,528
Netherlands - 376.3%
External debt (as % of GDP): 376.3%
Gross external debt: $2.55 trillion
2010 GDP (est): $676.9 billion
External debt per capita: $152,380
Belgium - 335.9%
External debt (as % of GDP): 335.9%
Gross external debt: $1.324 trillion
2010 GDP (est): $394.3 billion
External debt per capita: $127,197
Denmark - 310.4%
External debt (as % of GDP): 310.4%
Gross external debt: $626.1 billion
2010 GDP (est): $201.7 billion
External debt per capita: $113,826
Sweden - 282.2%
External debt (as % of GDP): 282.2%
Gross external debt: $1.001 trillion
2010 GDP (est): $354.7 billion
External debt per capita: $110,479
Finland - 271.5%
External debt (as % of GDP): 271.5%
Gross external debt: $505.06 billion
2010 GDP (est): $186 billion
External debt per capita: $96,197
Austria - 261.1%
External debt (as % of GDP): 261.1%
Gross external debt: $867.14 billion
2010 GDP (est): $332 billion
External debt per capita: $105,616
Norway - 251%
External debt (as % of GDP): 251%
Gross external debt: $640.7 billion
2010 GDP (est): $255.3 billion
External debt per capita: $137,476
Hong Kong - 250.4%
External debt (as % of GDP): 250.4%
Gross external debt: $815.65 billion
2010 GDP (est): $325.8 billion
External debt per capita: $115,612
France - 250%
External debt (as % of GDP): 250%
Gross external debt: $5.37 trillion
2010 GDP (est): $2.15 trillion
External debt per capita: $83,781
Portugal - 223.6%
External debt (as % of GDP): 223.6%
Gross external debt: $552.23 billion
2010 GDP (est): $247 billion
External debt per capita: $51,572
Germany - 185.1%
External debt (as % of GDP): 185.1%
Gross external debt: $5.44 trillion
2010 GDP (est): $2.94 trillion
External debt per capita: $51,572
Greece - 182.2%
External debt (as % of GDP): 182.2%
Gross external debt: $579.7 billion
2010 GDP (est): $318.1 billion
External debt per capita: $53,984
Spain - 179.4%
External debt (as % of GDP): 179.4%
Gross external debt: $2.46 trillion
2010 GDP (est): $1.37 trillion
External debt per capita: $60,614
Italy - 146.6%
External debt (as % of GDP): 146.6%
Gross external debt: $2.602 trillion
2010 GDP (est): $1.77 trillion
External debt per capita: $44,760
Australia - 138.9%
External debt (as % of GDP): 138.9%
Gross external debt: $1.23 trillion
2010 GDP (est): $882.4 billion
External debt per capita: $57,641
Hungary - 120.1%
External debt (as % of GDP): 120.1%
Gross external debt: $225.24 billion
2009 GDP (est): $187.6 billion
External debt per capita: $22,739
United States - 101.1%
External debt (as % of GDP): 101.1%
Gross external debt: $14.825 trillion
2009 GDP (est): $14.66 trillion
External debt per capita: $48,258
Saturday, October 1, 2011
The devil that is engulfing India
The Delhi High Court fixed October 14 to hear a petition seeking cancellation of license granted to Mukesh Ambani-led RIL for exploration of gas in the Krishna-Godavari Basin on the ground that the JV betwen RIL and Canada-based NIKO cheated the government by inflating the expenditure in connivance with a top official. The petitioner also alleged late Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy had opposed the multi-fold increase just before he was killed in a helicopter crash.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
December 3, 2008 · 11:32 am
Dear Mr. Prime minister
I am a typical mouse from Mumbai. In the local train compartment which has capacity of 100 persons, I travel with 500 more mouse. Mouse at least squeak but we don’t even do that.
Today I heard your speech. In which you said ‘NO BODY WOULD BE SPARED’. I would like to remind you that fourteen years has passed since serial bomb blast in Mumbai took place. Dawood was the main conspirator. Till today he is not caught. All our bolywood actors, our builders, our Gutka king meets him but your Government can not catch him. Reason is simple; all your ministers are hand in glove with him. If any attempt is made to catch him everybody will be exposed. Your statement ‘NOBODY WOULD BE SPARED’ is nothing but a cruel joke on this unfortunate people of India .
Enough is enough. As such after seeing terrorist attack carried out by about a dozen young boys I realize that if same thing continues days are not away when terrorist will attack by air, destroy our nuclear reactor and there will be one more Hiroshima .
We the people are left with only one mantra. Womb to Bomb to Tomb. You promised Mumbaikar Shanghai what you have given us is Jalianwala Baug.
Today only your home minister resigned. What took you so long to kick out this joker? Only reason was that he was loyal to Gandhi family. Loyalty to Gandhi family is more important than blood of innocent people, isn’t it?
I am born and bought up in Mumbai for last fifty eight years. Believe me corruption in Maharashtra is worse than that in Bihar . Look at all the politician, Sharad Pawar, Chagan Bhujbal, Narayan Rane, Bal Thackray , Gopinath Munde, Raj Thackray, Vilasrao Deshmukh all are rolling in money. Vilasrao Deshmukh is one of the worst Chief minister I have seen. His only business is to increase the FSI every other day, make money and send it to Delhi so Congress can fight next election. Now the clown has found new way and will increase FSI for fisherman so they can build concrete house right on sea shore. Next time terrorist can comfortably live in those house , enjoy the beauty of sea and then attack the Mumbai at their will.
Recently I had to purchase house in Mumbai. I met about two dozen builders. Everybody wanted about 30% in black. A common person like me knows this and with all your intelligent agency & CBI you and your finance minister are not aware of it.. Where all the black money goes? To the underworld isn’t it? Our politicians take help of these goondas to vacate people by force. I myself was victim of it. If you have time please come to me, I will tell you everything.
If this has been land of fools, idiots then I would not have ever cared to write you this letter. Just see the tragedy, on one side we are reaching moon, people are so intelligent and on other side you politician has converted nectar into deadly poison. I am everything Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Schedule caste, OBC, Muslim OBC,
Christian Schedule caste, Creamy Schedule caste only what I am not is INDIAN. You politician have raped every part of mother India by your policy of divide and rule.
Take example of former president Abdul Kalam. Such a intelligent person, such a fine human being. You politician didn’t even spare him. Your party along with opposition joined the hands, because politician feels they are supreme and there is no place for good person.
Dear Mr Prime minister you are one of the most intelligent person, most learned person. Just wake up, be a real SARDAR. First and foremost expose all selfish politician. Ask Swiss bank to give name of all Indian account holder. Give reins of CBI to independent agency. Let them find wolf among us.. There will be political upheaval but that will better than dance of death which we are witnessing every day. Just give us ambient where we can work honestly and without fear. Let there be rule of law. Everything else will be taken care of.
Choice is yours Mr. Prime Minister. Do you want to be lead by one person or you want to lead the nation of 100 Crore people?
Prakash B. Bajaj
Editor - Times of India, Mumbai
Dear Mr. Prime minister
I am a typical mouse from Mumbai. In the local train compartment which has capacity of 100 persons, I travel with 500 more mouse. Mouse at least squeak but we don’t even do that.
Today I heard your speech. In which you said ‘NO BODY WOULD BE SPARED’. I would like to remind you that fourteen years has passed since serial bomb blast in Mumbai took place. Dawood was the main conspirator. Till today he is not caught. All our bolywood actors, our builders, our Gutka king meets him but your Government can not catch him. Reason is simple; all your ministers are hand in glove with him. If any attempt is made to catch him everybody will be exposed. Your statement ‘NOBODY WOULD BE SPARED’ is nothing but a cruel joke on this unfortunate people of India .
Enough is enough. As such after seeing terrorist attack carried out by about a dozen young boys I realize that if same thing continues days are not away when terrorist will attack by air, destroy our nuclear reactor and there will be one more Hiroshima .
We the people are left with only one mantra. Womb to Bomb to Tomb. You promised Mumbaikar Shanghai what you have given us is Jalianwala Baug.
Today only your home minister resigned. What took you so long to kick out this joker? Only reason was that he was loyal to Gandhi family. Loyalty to Gandhi family is more important than blood of innocent people, isn’t it?
I am born and bought up in Mumbai for last fifty eight years. Believe me corruption in Maharashtra is worse than that in Bihar . Look at all the politician, Sharad Pawar, Chagan Bhujbal, Narayan Rane, Bal Thackray , Gopinath Munde, Raj Thackray, Vilasrao Deshmukh all are rolling in money. Vilasrao Deshmukh is one of the worst Chief minister I have seen. His only business is to increase the FSI every other day, make money and send it to Delhi so Congress can fight next election. Now the clown has found new way and will increase FSI for fisherman so they can build concrete house right on sea shore. Next time terrorist can comfortably live in those house , enjoy the beauty of sea and then attack the Mumbai at their will.
Recently I had to purchase house in Mumbai. I met about two dozen builders. Everybody wanted about 30% in black. A common person like me knows this and with all your intelligent agency & CBI you and your finance minister are not aware of it.. Where all the black money goes? To the underworld isn’t it? Our politicians take help of these goondas to vacate people by force. I myself was victim of it. If you have time please come to me, I will tell you everything.
If this has been land of fools, idiots then I would not have ever cared to write you this letter. Just see the tragedy, on one side we are reaching moon, people are so intelligent and on other side you politician has converted nectar into deadly poison. I am everything Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Schedule caste, OBC, Muslim OBC,
Christian Schedule caste, Creamy Schedule caste only what I am not is INDIAN. You politician have raped every part of mother India by your policy of divide and rule.
Take example of former president Abdul Kalam. Such a intelligent person, such a fine human being. You politician didn’t even spare him. Your party along with opposition joined the hands, because politician feels they are supreme and there is no place for good person.
Dear Mr Prime minister you are one of the most intelligent person, most learned person. Just wake up, be a real SARDAR. First and foremost expose all selfish politician. Ask Swiss bank to give name of all Indian account holder. Give reins of CBI to independent agency. Let them find wolf among us.. There will be political upheaval but that will better than dance of death which we are witnessing every day. Just give us ambient where we can work honestly and without fear. Let there be rule of law. Everything else will be taken care of.
Choice is yours Mr. Prime Minister. Do you want to be lead by one person or you want to lead the nation of 100 Crore people?
Prakash B. Bajaj
Editor - Times of India, Mumbai
Saturday, August 20, 2011
How Indian wealth is smuggled out of the country
Wads of currency notes of INR, USD, EURO is packed into container trucks and sent across the border to Pakistan by road via Wagah border (not by rail), or loaded into ships or very large crude containers (VLCC) and shipped to Karachi.
From Pakistan, the currency is then flown to Zurich,Geneva,Litchenstein, as the case may be, by PIA planes, and deposited into banks there by cash.
From Pakistan, the currency is then flown to Zurich,Geneva,Litchenstein, as the case may be, by PIA planes, and deposited into banks there by cash.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Black Money in Swiss Banks mainly from India
List of REAL Black Money Holders from Wiki-leaks
If you accumulate only these names, then calculate in US Dollar, it will add up to ---
******* USD 1.14 TRILLION Dollars ***********
**** Moreover, it is speculated that Rajeev Gandhi's Account is covertly active by Sonia Gandhi .. and its a HUGE SUM of Money.. almost 2 Lac Cr (~ 45 Billion US Dollars) *********
Now, most of the amount is being transferred to other banks..
Indian government must immediately resign and seek people's mandate.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Excerpts from http://janataparty.org/sonia.html
Ms. Sonia Gandhi’s background as publicized by her and her Congress Party is based on three lies in order to hide the ugly reality of her life.
First, her real name is Antonia not Sonia. This was revealed by the Italian Ambassador in New Delhi in a letter dated April 27, 1983 to the Union Home Ministry which letter has not been made public. Antonia is Sonia’s real name as stated in her birth certificate.
Sonia is the name given to her subsequently by her father, Stefano Maino [now deceased]. He had been a prisoner of war in Russia during World War II. Stefano had joined the Nazi army as a volunteer, as many Italian fascists had done. Sonia is a Russian not Italian name. While spending two years in a Russian jail, Sonia’s father had become quite pro-Soviet, especially after the liberating US army in Italy had confiscated all fascists’ properties including his.
Second, Sonia was not born in Orbassano as she claims in her bio data submitted to Parliament on becoming MP, but in Luciana as stated in her birth certificate. She perhaps would like to hide the place of her birth because of her father’s connection with the Nazis and Mussolini’s Fascists, and her family’s continuing connections with the Nazi-Fascists underground that is still surviving in Italy since the end of the War. Luciana is where Nazi-Fascist network is headquartered, and is on the Italian-Swiss border. There can be no other explanation for this otherwise meaningless lie.
Third, Sonia Gandhi has not studied beyond High School. But she has falsely claimed in her sworn affidavit filed as a contesting candidate before the Rae Bareli Returning Officer in the 2004 Lok Sabha elections, that she qualified and got a diploma in English from the prestigious University of Cambridge, UK.
Ms. Sonia Gandhi upon learning enough English, became a waitress in Varsity Restaurant in Cambridge town. She first met Rajiv when he came to the restaurant in 1965. Rajiv was a student in the University, but could not cope with the academic rigour for long. So he had to depart in 1966 for London where he was briefly in Imperial College of Engineering as a student. Sonia too moved to London, and according my information, got a job with an outfit run by Salman Thassir, a debonair Pakistani based in Lahore, and who has a export-import company headquartered in Dubai but who spends most of his time in London. This fits the profile of a ISI functionary.
Obviously, Sonia made enough money in this job to loan Rajiv funds in London, who was living beyond his allowances [Indira herself had expressed anguish to me on this score in late 1965 when I was a young Harvard professor of economics. She had invited me to a private tea at the Guest House in Brandeis University where she was staying].
Rajiv’s letters to Sanjay filed in Delhi High Court by P.N. Lekhi clearly indicate that he was in financial debt to Sonia because he requested Sanjay also in UK then, and who obviously had more access to money, to pay off the debt.
However, Rajiv was not the only friend Sonia was seeing those days. Madhavrao Scindia and a German by name Stiegler are worth mentioning as other good friends of Sonia. Madhavrao’s friendship continued even after Sonia’s marriage to Rajiv. Scindia in 1982 was involved in a traffic accident near IIT, Delhi main gate while driving a car at 2 AM. Sonia was the only other passenger. Both were badly injured. A student of IIT who was burning midnight oil was out for a cup of coffee. He picked them up from the car, hailed an auto rickshaw and sent an injured Sonia to Mrs Indira Gandhi’s house since she insisted in not going to a hospital. Madhavrao had broken a leg and in too much pain to make any demand. He was taken to hospital by the Delhi Police who had arrived a little after Sonia had left the scene.
In later years, Madhavrao had become privately critical of Sonia, and told some close friends about his apprehensions about her. It is a pity that he died in mysterious circumstances in an as yet uninvestigated aircrash of his private plane in the year 2001. Mani Shankar Aiyar and Shiela Dikshit were to be on that flight too, but were asked to stay behind at the last moment.
The circumstance under which Rajiv hastily married Sonia in a Church in Orbassano is controversial, but that was his personal matter which has no public significance. What however is of public significance is that Indira Gandhi who was initially dead set against the marriage for reasons known to her, relented to hold a registry marriage with Hindu ceremonial trappings in New Delhi only after the pro-Soviet T.N. Kaul prevailed upon her to accept the marriage in “the larger interest of cementing Indo-Soviet Friendship”. Kaul would not have intervened unless the Soviet Union had not asked him to.
Such has been the patronage from the beginning extended to Sonia Gandhi and her Italian family from the Soviets. When a Prime Minister of India’s son dates a girl in London, the KGB which valued Indo-Soviet relations, would naturally investigate her. They had, and found out that she was the daughter of Stefano, their old reliable Italian contact. Thus, Sonia married to Rajiv, meant deep access for the Soviets, into the household of the Indian Prime Minister. Hence cementing the Rajiv-Sonia relations was in the Soviet national interest and they went to work on it. And they did, through their moles in the Indira Gandhi camp.
After her marriage to Rajiv, the Soviet connection with the Mainos was fortified and nurtured by generous financial help through commissions and kick-backs on every Indo—Soviet trade deal and defence purchases. According to the respected Swiss magazine, Schweitzer Illustrate [November 1991 issue] Rajiv Gandhi had about $2 billion in numbered Swiss bank accounts—which Sonia inherited upon his assassination.
After Sonia married Rajiv, she and her Italian family aided by friend and Snam Progetti’s New Delhi resident Ottavio Quattrocchi, went about minting money with scant regard for Indian laws and treasures. Within a few years the Mainos rose from utter poverty to become billionaires.
There was no area that was left out for the rip-off. On November 19, 1974, as fresh entrant to Parliament, I had asked the then Prime Minister Ms. Indira Gandhi on the floor of the House if her daughter-in-law, Sonia Gandhi, was acting as an insurance agent of a public sector insurance company [Oriental Fire&Insurance], giving the Prime Minister’s official residence as her business address, and using undue influence to get insured the officers of the PMO, while remaining as an Italian citizen[thus violating FERA]. There was an uproar in Parliament, but Mrs. Indira Gandhi had no alternative but to cut her losses. She made a rare admission in a written reply a few days later that it indeed was so, and that it was by mistake, but that Sonia had resigned from her insurance agency[after my question]. But Sonia was incorrigible. Her contempt for Indian law continued to manifest.
The Supreme Court Justice A.C. Gupta Commission set up by the Janata Party government in 1977 came out with a voluminous report on the Maruti Company then owned by the Gandhi family, and has listed eight violations of FERA, Companies Act, and Foreigners Registration Act by Sonia Gandhi. She was never prosecuted, but can still be prosecuted because under Indian law, economic crimes are not subject to the statute of limitation.
In January 1980, Indira Gandhi returned as Prime Minister. The first thing Sonia did was to enroll herself as a voter. This was a gross violation of the law, enough to cause cancellation of her visa [since she was admittedly an Italian citizen then]. There was some hullabaloo in the press about it, so the Delhi Chief Electoral Officer got her name deleted in 1982. But in January 1983, she again enrolled herself as a voter even while as a foreigner [she first applied for citizenship in April 1983].
More recently, A.G. Noorani is his book: Citizen’s Rights, Judges, and State Accountability records [page 318] that Ms. Sonia Gandhi had made available to a foreign national the secret papers of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru obviously illegally in her possession, and comments as follows:
“Sonia Gandhi has no right to hold them in her possession at all, let alone decide whom to accord permission for access to them”
Such is her revealed disdain for Indian laws and that is her mindset even today. She suffers from a neo-imperialist mentality.
The bottom line observed in Sonia’s mindset is that she can disregard Indian laws with impunity. If cornered or if she becomes vulnerable to prosecution, she can always run back to Italy. In Peru, President Fujimori who all along claimed to be “born Peruvian”, when faced with a corruption charge fled to Japan with his loot and reclaimed his Japanese citizenship. That is Sonia’s bottom line fall-back option too.
In 1977, when the Janata Party defeated the Congress at the polls, and formed the government, it widely known and published that Sonia with her two children abandoned Indira Gandhi, and ran to the Italian Embassy in New Delhi and hid there. Rajiv Gandhi was a government servant then[as an Indian Airlines pilot], but he too tagged along and hid in that foreign embassy ! Such was her baneful influence on him. Rajiv did snap out Sonia’s influence after 1989, but alas he was assassinated before he could rectify the situation.
Those close to Rajiv knew that he was planning set things right about Sonia after the 1991 elections. He held her to blame for all the financial scandals that led to his defeat at the 1989 polls. She knew of it too because he had told her on his trip to Soviet Union in February 1991. Ever wonder why Sonia’s closest advisers are those whom Rajiv literally hated? Ambika Soni is one such name. Ever wonder why she has asked the President of India to set aside on a mercy petition the Supreme Court judgment directing that Rajiv Gandhi’s LTTE killers be hanged, when she was not similiarly moved for Satwant Singh who killed Indira Gandhi or even recently for Dhanajoy Chattopadhyaya ? The explanation for this special consideration for the LTTE perhaps lies in what Rajiv had told her about their future. May be therefore Sonia feels obliged to the LTTE for the assassination. More on this later.
Those who have no love for India will not hesitate to plunder her treasures. Mohammed Ghori, Nadir Shah, and the British scum in the East India Company such as Robert Clive, made no secret of it. But Sonia Gandhi has been more discreet, but as greedy, in her looting of Indian treasures. When Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi were Prime Ministers, not a day passed when the PM’s security did not go to the New Delhi, or Chennai international airport to send crates and crates of Indian antiques and other treasures, unchecked by customs, to Rome. Air India and Alitalia were the chosen carriers. For organizing all this, Mr. Arjun Singh first as CM, later as Union Minister in charge of Culture, was her hatchet man.
Indian temple sculpture of gods and goddesses, antiques, pichwai paintings, shatoosh shawls, coins, and you name it, were transported to Italy to be first displayed in two shops owned by her sister, Anuskha alias Alessandra Maino Vinci. These shops located in blue-collar areas of Rivolta[shop name: Etnica] and Orbassano [shop name: Ganpati] did little business because which blue collar Italian wants to buy Indian antiques ? The shops were there to make false bills, and thereafter these treasures were taken to London for auction by Sotheby’s and Christies.
Some of this ill-gotten money from auction went into the bank accounts of Rahul Gandhi in the National Westminister Bank and Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, London branches, but most of it found it’s way into the Gandhi family account in the Bank of America in Cayman Islands. Rahul’s expenses and tuition fees for the one year he was at Harvard, was paid from that Cayman Island account.
What kind of people are these Gandhi-Mainos that bite the very hand of Bharat Mata that fed them and gave them a good life? How can the nation trust or tolerate such greedy thieves of national treasures?
Since I failed to persuade the Vajpayee government to defend India’s treasures from plunder by the Mainos, I approached the Delhi High Court in a PIL. The first Bench of the court issued notice to the Government, but since the Indian government dragged it’s feet, the Court directed the CBI to seek Interpol’s and Italian government’s help. The Italian government justifiably asked for a Letter Rogatory for which a FIR is a pre-requisite. But the Interpol did oblige and submitted two voluminous reports on the shops which the Court directed the CBI to hand over to me. But CBI has so far refused, and has claimed privilege!
This question will be argued out at the next hearing of my PIL.
The CBI has also been caught lying in court by telling the judges that Alessandra Maino is a name of a man, and Via Bellini 14, Orbassano is a name of a village[not the street address of the Maino’s residence]. Although the CBI counsel had to apologise later to the court stating he had made a mistake, he has been promoted to Additional Solicitor General by the new government! Why was he appointed as the CBI’s counsel by the Vajpayee government in the first place? The Vajpayee-Sonia mutual assistance pact is thus in full view in this episode.
But the most sinister aspect of Sonia Gandhi’s links is her connection with terrorists. I am still working on it, but she has had long connection with the Habash group of Palestinians [PFLP], and has funded Palestinian families that lost their kith and kin in a suicide bombing or hijacking episode. This fact, Rajiv Gandhi himself told me and was confirmed to me [the funding aspect] by Yassir Arafat when I met him in Tunis on October 17, 1990 at the request of Rajiv Gandhi. Rajiv and I were good friends from 1978, but became very close friends after V.P. Singh had betrayed him in 1987. We met practically every day, mostly in the early hours from 1AM to 4AM, discussed, chatted and gossiped on every topic. It was at my suggestion that Rajiv made Chandrashekhar the PM. And contrary to public impression, he was not mainly responsible for fall of Chandrashekar government[of which I was a Minister].
Besides the Palestinian extremists, the Maino family have had extensive business dealings with Saddam Hussein, and surprisingly since 1984 with the LTTE [“the Tamil Tigers”]. Sonia’s mother Paola Predebon Maino, and businessman Ottavio Quattrocchi are the main contacts with the Tigers. The mother used the LTTE for money laundering and Quattrocchi for selling weapons to earn commissions. Sonia’s conduit to the LTTE has been and is through Arjun Singh who uses Bangalore as the nodal point for contact.
There is a string of circumstantial evidence pointing to the prima facie possibility that the Maino family may have contracted with the LTTE to kill Rajiv Gandhi. The family may have assured the LTTE that nothing would happen to them because they would ensure it is blamed on the Sikhs or the evidence so much fudged that no court would convict them[ the LTTE intercepted transcripts show this expectation of the LTTE]. But D.R. Karthikeyan of the CBI who led the SIT investigation got the support of Narasimha Rao, cracked the case, and succeeded in getting the LTTE convicted in the trial court, which conviction was upheld by the Supreme Court in 1999.
Although on the involvement of some members of the Congress Party in the assassination, DRK soft peddled it ignoring a number of leads perhaps because he did not want political controversy to put road blocks on his investigation as a whole.
The Justice J. S. Verma Commission, which was set up as the last official act of the Chandrashekhar government before demitting office on June 21, 1991, did find that the Congress leaders had disrupted the security arrangements for the Sriperumbudur meeting. The Commission wanted further probe into it but the Rao government rejected that demand. In the meantime under Sonia’s pressure, the Jain Commission was set up by the Rao government, which tried to muddy the waters and thus exonerate the LTTE. But the trial court judgment convicting the LTTE came earlier than the Commission could conclude, and that sinister effort therefore too failed.
Nowadays, Sonia is quite unabashed in having political alliance with those who like MDMK, PMK, and DMK praise Rajiv Gandhi’s killers. No Indian widow would ever do that. Such circumstances are many, and raise a doubt. My investigations into Sonia’s involvement in Rajiv’s assassination is therefore necessary. I am also author of a best seller titled Assassination Of Rajiv Gandhi—Unasked Questions and Unanswered Queries[published by Konark in 2000] in which I have given some indications of this possible conspiracy.
Is it not significant that the political career graph of Sonia Gandhi advances concomitantly with a series of assassinations and apparently accidental deaths?
How did Sanjay’s plane on June 23, 1980 nosedive to a crash and yet the plane fuselage failed to explode upon impact? There was no fuel ! How was that possible since flight register shows full tank before take-off ? Why was there no inquiry conducted ?
Is it not a fact that Indira Gandhi died because of loss of blood from the wounds and not directly due to a bullet impacting her head or heart ? Then is it not strange that Sonia had insisted that the bleeding Indira be driven to Lohia Hospital-- in the opposite direction to AIIMS which had a contingency protocol set up for precisely such an event ? And after reaching Lohia Hospital, did not Sonia change her mind and demand that they all drive to AIIMS thus losing 24 valuable minutes ?
The same kind of mystery surrounds the sudden deaths of Sonia’s other political roadblocks such as Rajesh Pilot, Jitendra Prasad, and Madhavrao Scindia. Such untimely deaths happened in the dark ages in Italy. Should we allow it to happen in India like dumb cattle going to slaughter?
We have to ensure that the Maino clan does not stay in power. Dr. Manmohan Singh may be PM, which is a small relief, but he is not a fighter. The real power in government today is wielded by the Maino mafia gang. Can they be dethroned? I argue that they must be, for India’s integrity and democracy.
In Indian democracy, other than by losing majority, only a shocking scandal can unseat a government. Today’s priority is however not for toppling the Congress government as such, since Manmohan Singh is a decent and scholarly person, but in driving the Maino clan out of India. If the only way that can be done is by toppling the Singh government, then so be it. But the successor government should be such that it will not protect Sonia and her clan as Vajpayee’s did.
It will although not be long before Sonia will give Manmohan Singh marching orders, and he will march out meekly. We should not expect him to resist. Thus time with patriotic Indians is limited.
With Sonia’s defacto government in place, it is also unrealistic to expect that I can get an early victory in the courts on the KGB and antique smuggling cases. The most potent scandal at hand, therefore, that can dislodge the Maino clan[including Rahul and Priyanka] lies in exposing their existing Italian citizenship. That will galvanise the people.
In 1992, Sonia had revived her citizenship of Italy under Article 17 of the Italian Citizenship Law [Act 91 of 1992]. Rahul and Priyanka were born Italian citizens because Sonia was Italian when she gave birth to them[Italian law based on jure sanguinis]. Hence, they continue be Italians since they have never renounced their citizenship upon becoming 21 years old. Both, Rahul and Priyanaka have been traveling abroad on Italian passports. They may now acquire Venezuela passports too, since Rahul Gandhi’s wife, Veronica, is a Venezuelan. That means one more foreign bahu for us tolerant Indians. The Maino-Gandhis are certainly getting Indian society globalised in their own selfish way.
To end Bharat Mata’s shame and pain, what can patriotic Indians do in a democracy?
As a first step there is an urgent need to document the facts about their citizenship on notarized paper, for which we need to set up a network in London, Milan, Hongkong, and in Venezuela. Those persuaded by my above stated facts and arguments may join in and help set up this network. Other steps can come later once this is accomplished.
Ms. Sonia Gandhi’s background as publicized by her and her Congress Party is based on three lies in order to hide the ugly reality of her life.
First, her real name is Antonia not Sonia. This was revealed by the Italian Ambassador in New Delhi in a letter dated April 27, 1983 to the Union Home Ministry which letter has not been made public. Antonia is Sonia’s real name as stated in her birth certificate.
Sonia is the name given to her subsequently by her father, Stefano Maino [now deceased]. He had been a prisoner of war in Russia during World War II. Stefano had joined the Nazi army as a volunteer, as many Italian fascists had done. Sonia is a Russian not Italian name. While spending two years in a Russian jail, Sonia’s father had become quite pro-Soviet, especially after the liberating US army in Italy had confiscated all fascists’ properties including his.
Second, Sonia was not born in Orbassano as she claims in her bio data submitted to Parliament on becoming MP, but in Luciana as stated in her birth certificate. She perhaps would like to hide the place of her birth because of her father’s connection with the Nazis and Mussolini’s Fascists, and her family’s continuing connections with the Nazi-Fascists underground that is still surviving in Italy since the end of the War. Luciana is where Nazi-Fascist network is headquartered, and is on the Italian-Swiss border. There can be no other explanation for this otherwise meaningless lie.
Third, Sonia Gandhi has not studied beyond High School. But she has falsely claimed in her sworn affidavit filed as a contesting candidate before the Rae Bareli Returning Officer in the 2004 Lok Sabha elections, that she qualified and got a diploma in English from the prestigious University of Cambridge, UK.
Ms. Sonia Gandhi upon learning enough English, became a waitress in Varsity Restaurant in Cambridge town. She first met Rajiv when he came to the restaurant in 1965. Rajiv was a student in the University, but could not cope with the academic rigour for long. So he had to depart in 1966 for London where he was briefly in Imperial College of Engineering as a student. Sonia too moved to London, and according my information, got a job with an outfit run by Salman Thassir, a debonair Pakistani based in Lahore, and who has a export-import company headquartered in Dubai but who spends most of his time in London. This fits the profile of a ISI functionary.
Obviously, Sonia made enough money in this job to loan Rajiv funds in London, who was living beyond his allowances [Indira herself had expressed anguish to me on this score in late 1965 when I was a young Harvard professor of economics. She had invited me to a private tea at the Guest House in Brandeis University where she was staying].
Rajiv’s letters to Sanjay filed in Delhi High Court by P.N. Lekhi clearly indicate that he was in financial debt to Sonia because he requested Sanjay also in UK then, and who obviously had more access to money, to pay off the debt.
However, Rajiv was not the only friend Sonia was seeing those days. Madhavrao Scindia and a German by name Stiegler are worth mentioning as other good friends of Sonia. Madhavrao’s friendship continued even after Sonia’s marriage to Rajiv. Scindia in 1982 was involved in a traffic accident near IIT, Delhi main gate while driving a car at 2 AM. Sonia was the only other passenger. Both were badly injured. A student of IIT who was burning midnight oil was out for a cup of coffee. He picked them up from the car, hailed an auto rickshaw and sent an injured Sonia to Mrs Indira Gandhi’s house since she insisted in not going to a hospital. Madhavrao had broken a leg and in too much pain to make any demand. He was taken to hospital by the Delhi Police who had arrived a little after Sonia had left the scene.
In later years, Madhavrao had become privately critical of Sonia, and told some close friends about his apprehensions about her. It is a pity that he died in mysterious circumstances in an as yet uninvestigated aircrash of his private plane in the year 2001. Mani Shankar Aiyar and Shiela Dikshit were to be on that flight too, but were asked to stay behind at the last moment.
The circumstance under which Rajiv hastily married Sonia in a Church in Orbassano is controversial, but that was his personal matter which has no public significance. What however is of public significance is that Indira Gandhi who was initially dead set against the marriage for reasons known to her, relented to hold a registry marriage with Hindu ceremonial trappings in New Delhi only after the pro-Soviet T.N. Kaul prevailed upon her to accept the marriage in “the larger interest of cementing Indo-Soviet Friendship”. Kaul would not have intervened unless the Soviet Union had not asked him to.
Such has been the patronage from the beginning extended to Sonia Gandhi and her Italian family from the Soviets. When a Prime Minister of India’s son dates a girl in London, the KGB which valued Indo-Soviet relations, would naturally investigate her. They had, and found out that she was the daughter of Stefano, their old reliable Italian contact. Thus, Sonia married to Rajiv, meant deep access for the Soviets, into the household of the Indian Prime Minister. Hence cementing the Rajiv-Sonia relations was in the Soviet national interest and they went to work on it. And they did, through their moles in the Indira Gandhi camp.
After her marriage to Rajiv, the Soviet connection with the Mainos was fortified and nurtured by generous financial help through commissions and kick-backs on every Indo—Soviet trade deal and defence purchases. According to the respected Swiss magazine, Schweitzer Illustrate [November 1991 issue] Rajiv Gandhi had about $2 billion in numbered Swiss bank accounts—which Sonia inherited upon his assassination.
After Sonia married Rajiv, she and her Italian family aided by friend and Snam Progetti’s New Delhi resident Ottavio Quattrocchi, went about minting money with scant regard for Indian laws and treasures. Within a few years the Mainos rose from utter poverty to become billionaires.
There was no area that was left out for the rip-off. On November 19, 1974, as fresh entrant to Parliament, I had asked the then Prime Minister Ms. Indira Gandhi on the floor of the House if her daughter-in-law, Sonia Gandhi, was acting as an insurance agent of a public sector insurance company [Oriental Fire&Insurance], giving the Prime Minister’s official residence as her business address, and using undue influence to get insured the officers of the PMO, while remaining as an Italian citizen[thus violating FERA]. There was an uproar in Parliament, but Mrs. Indira Gandhi had no alternative but to cut her losses. She made a rare admission in a written reply a few days later that it indeed was so, and that it was by mistake, but that Sonia had resigned from her insurance agency[after my question]. But Sonia was incorrigible. Her contempt for Indian law continued to manifest.
The Supreme Court Justice A.C. Gupta Commission set up by the Janata Party government in 1977 came out with a voluminous report on the Maruti Company then owned by the Gandhi family, and has listed eight violations of FERA, Companies Act, and Foreigners Registration Act by Sonia Gandhi. She was never prosecuted, but can still be prosecuted because under Indian law, economic crimes are not subject to the statute of limitation.
In January 1980, Indira Gandhi returned as Prime Minister. The first thing Sonia did was to enroll herself as a voter. This was a gross violation of the law, enough to cause cancellation of her visa [since she was admittedly an Italian citizen then]. There was some hullabaloo in the press about it, so the Delhi Chief Electoral Officer got her name deleted in 1982. But in January 1983, she again enrolled herself as a voter even while as a foreigner [she first applied for citizenship in April 1983].
More recently, A.G. Noorani is his book: Citizen’s Rights, Judges, and State Accountability records [page 318] that Ms. Sonia Gandhi had made available to a foreign national the secret papers of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru obviously illegally in her possession, and comments as follows:
“Sonia Gandhi has no right to hold them in her possession at all, let alone decide whom to accord permission for access to them”
Such is her revealed disdain for Indian laws and that is her mindset even today. She suffers from a neo-imperialist mentality.
The bottom line observed in Sonia’s mindset is that she can disregard Indian laws with impunity. If cornered or if she becomes vulnerable to prosecution, she can always run back to Italy. In Peru, President Fujimori who all along claimed to be “born Peruvian”, when faced with a corruption charge fled to Japan with his loot and reclaimed his Japanese citizenship. That is Sonia’s bottom line fall-back option too.
In 1977, when the Janata Party defeated the Congress at the polls, and formed the government, it widely known and published that Sonia with her two children abandoned Indira Gandhi, and ran to the Italian Embassy in New Delhi and hid there. Rajiv Gandhi was a government servant then[as an Indian Airlines pilot], but he too tagged along and hid in that foreign embassy ! Such was her baneful influence on him. Rajiv did snap out Sonia’s influence after 1989, but alas he was assassinated before he could rectify the situation.
Those close to Rajiv knew that he was planning set things right about Sonia after the 1991 elections. He held her to blame for all the financial scandals that led to his defeat at the 1989 polls. She knew of it too because he had told her on his trip to Soviet Union in February 1991. Ever wonder why Sonia’s closest advisers are those whom Rajiv literally hated? Ambika Soni is one such name. Ever wonder why she has asked the President of India to set aside on a mercy petition the Supreme Court judgment directing that Rajiv Gandhi’s LTTE killers be hanged, when she was not similiarly moved for Satwant Singh who killed Indira Gandhi or even recently for Dhanajoy Chattopadhyaya ? The explanation for this special consideration for the LTTE perhaps lies in what Rajiv had told her about their future. May be therefore Sonia feels obliged to the LTTE for the assassination. More on this later.
Those who have no love for India will not hesitate to plunder her treasures. Mohammed Ghori, Nadir Shah, and the British scum in the East India Company such as Robert Clive, made no secret of it. But Sonia Gandhi has been more discreet, but as greedy, in her looting of Indian treasures. When Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi were Prime Ministers, not a day passed when the PM’s security did not go to the New Delhi, or Chennai international airport to send crates and crates of Indian antiques and other treasures, unchecked by customs, to Rome. Air India and Alitalia were the chosen carriers. For organizing all this, Mr. Arjun Singh first as CM, later as Union Minister in charge of Culture, was her hatchet man.
Indian temple sculpture of gods and goddesses, antiques, pichwai paintings, shatoosh shawls, coins, and you name it, were transported to Italy to be first displayed in two shops owned by her sister, Anuskha alias Alessandra Maino Vinci. These shops located in blue-collar areas of Rivolta[shop name: Etnica] and Orbassano [shop name: Ganpati] did little business because which blue collar Italian wants to buy Indian antiques ? The shops were there to make false bills, and thereafter these treasures were taken to London for auction by Sotheby’s and Christies.
Some of this ill-gotten money from auction went into the bank accounts of Rahul Gandhi in the National Westminister Bank and Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, London branches, but most of it found it’s way into the Gandhi family account in the Bank of America in Cayman Islands. Rahul’s expenses and tuition fees for the one year he was at Harvard, was paid from that Cayman Island account.
What kind of people are these Gandhi-Mainos that bite the very hand of Bharat Mata that fed them and gave them a good life? How can the nation trust or tolerate such greedy thieves of national treasures?
Since I failed to persuade the Vajpayee government to defend India’s treasures from plunder by the Mainos, I approached the Delhi High Court in a PIL. The first Bench of the court issued notice to the Government, but since the Indian government dragged it’s feet, the Court directed the CBI to seek Interpol’s and Italian government’s help. The Italian government justifiably asked for a Letter Rogatory for which a FIR is a pre-requisite. But the Interpol did oblige and submitted two voluminous reports on the shops which the Court directed the CBI to hand over to me. But CBI has so far refused, and has claimed privilege!
This question will be argued out at the next hearing of my PIL.
The CBI has also been caught lying in court by telling the judges that Alessandra Maino is a name of a man, and Via Bellini 14, Orbassano is a name of a village[not the street address of the Maino’s residence]. Although the CBI counsel had to apologise later to the court stating he had made a mistake, he has been promoted to Additional Solicitor General by the new government! Why was he appointed as the CBI’s counsel by the Vajpayee government in the first place? The Vajpayee-Sonia mutual assistance pact is thus in full view in this episode.
But the most sinister aspect of Sonia Gandhi’s links is her connection with terrorists. I am still working on it, but she has had long connection with the Habash group of Palestinians [PFLP], and has funded Palestinian families that lost their kith and kin in a suicide bombing or hijacking episode. This fact, Rajiv Gandhi himself told me and was confirmed to me [the funding aspect] by Yassir Arafat when I met him in Tunis on October 17, 1990 at the request of Rajiv Gandhi. Rajiv and I were good friends from 1978, but became very close friends after V.P. Singh had betrayed him in 1987. We met practically every day, mostly in the early hours from 1AM to 4AM, discussed, chatted and gossiped on every topic. It was at my suggestion that Rajiv made Chandrashekhar the PM. And contrary to public impression, he was not mainly responsible for fall of Chandrashekar government[of which I was a Minister].
Besides the Palestinian extremists, the Maino family have had extensive business dealings with Saddam Hussein, and surprisingly since 1984 with the LTTE [“the Tamil Tigers”]. Sonia’s mother Paola Predebon Maino, and businessman Ottavio Quattrocchi are the main contacts with the Tigers. The mother used the LTTE for money laundering and Quattrocchi for selling weapons to earn commissions. Sonia’s conduit to the LTTE has been and is through Arjun Singh who uses Bangalore as the nodal point for contact.
There is a string of circumstantial evidence pointing to the prima facie possibility that the Maino family may have contracted with the LTTE to kill Rajiv Gandhi. The family may have assured the LTTE that nothing would happen to them because they would ensure it is blamed on the Sikhs or the evidence so much fudged that no court would convict them[ the LTTE intercepted transcripts show this expectation of the LTTE]. But D.R. Karthikeyan of the CBI who led the SIT investigation got the support of Narasimha Rao, cracked the case, and succeeded in getting the LTTE convicted in the trial court, which conviction was upheld by the Supreme Court in 1999.
Although on the involvement of some members of the Congress Party in the assassination, DRK soft peddled it ignoring a number of leads perhaps because he did not want political controversy to put road blocks on his investigation as a whole.
The Justice J. S. Verma Commission, which was set up as the last official act of the Chandrashekhar government before demitting office on June 21, 1991, did find that the Congress leaders had disrupted the security arrangements for the Sriperumbudur meeting. The Commission wanted further probe into it but the Rao government rejected that demand. In the meantime under Sonia’s pressure, the Jain Commission was set up by the Rao government, which tried to muddy the waters and thus exonerate the LTTE. But the trial court judgment convicting the LTTE came earlier than the Commission could conclude, and that sinister effort therefore too failed.
Nowadays, Sonia is quite unabashed in having political alliance with those who like MDMK, PMK, and DMK praise Rajiv Gandhi’s killers. No Indian widow would ever do that. Such circumstances are many, and raise a doubt. My investigations into Sonia’s involvement in Rajiv’s assassination is therefore necessary. I am also author of a best seller titled Assassination Of Rajiv Gandhi—Unasked Questions and Unanswered Queries[published by Konark in 2000] in which I have given some indications of this possible conspiracy.
Is it not significant that the political career graph of Sonia Gandhi advances concomitantly with a series of assassinations and apparently accidental deaths?
How did Sanjay’s plane on June 23, 1980 nosedive to a crash and yet the plane fuselage failed to explode upon impact? There was no fuel ! How was that possible since flight register shows full tank before take-off ? Why was there no inquiry conducted ?
Is it not a fact that Indira Gandhi died because of loss of blood from the wounds and not directly due to a bullet impacting her head or heart ? Then is it not strange that Sonia had insisted that the bleeding Indira be driven to Lohia Hospital-- in the opposite direction to AIIMS which had a contingency protocol set up for precisely such an event ? And after reaching Lohia Hospital, did not Sonia change her mind and demand that they all drive to AIIMS thus losing 24 valuable minutes ?
The same kind of mystery surrounds the sudden deaths of Sonia’s other political roadblocks such as Rajesh Pilot, Jitendra Prasad, and Madhavrao Scindia. Such untimely deaths happened in the dark ages in Italy. Should we allow it to happen in India like dumb cattle going to slaughter?
We have to ensure that the Maino clan does not stay in power. Dr. Manmohan Singh may be PM, which is a small relief, but he is not a fighter. The real power in government today is wielded by the Maino mafia gang. Can they be dethroned? I argue that they must be, for India’s integrity and democracy.
In Indian democracy, other than by losing majority, only a shocking scandal can unseat a government. Today’s priority is however not for toppling the Congress government as such, since Manmohan Singh is a decent and scholarly person, but in driving the Maino clan out of India. If the only way that can be done is by toppling the Singh government, then so be it. But the successor government should be such that it will not protect Sonia and her clan as Vajpayee’s did.
It will although not be long before Sonia will give Manmohan Singh marching orders, and he will march out meekly. We should not expect him to resist. Thus time with patriotic Indians is limited.
With Sonia’s defacto government in place, it is also unrealistic to expect that I can get an early victory in the courts on the KGB and antique smuggling cases. The most potent scandal at hand, therefore, that can dislodge the Maino clan[including Rahul and Priyanka] lies in exposing their existing Italian citizenship. That will galvanise the people.
In 1992, Sonia had revived her citizenship of Italy under Article 17 of the Italian Citizenship Law [Act 91 of 1992]. Rahul and Priyanka were born Italian citizens because Sonia was Italian when she gave birth to them[Italian law based on jure sanguinis]. Hence, they continue be Italians since they have never renounced their citizenship upon becoming 21 years old. Both, Rahul and Priyanaka have been traveling abroad on Italian passports. They may now acquire Venezuela passports too, since Rahul Gandhi’s wife, Veronica, is a Venezuelan. That means one more foreign bahu for us tolerant Indians. The Maino-Gandhis are certainly getting Indian society globalised in their own selfish way.
To end Bharat Mata’s shame and pain, what can patriotic Indians do in a democracy?
As a first step there is an urgent need to document the facts about their citizenship on notarized paper, for which we need to set up a network in London, Milan, Hongkong, and in Venezuela. Those persuaded by my above stated facts and arguments may join in and help set up this network. Other steps can come later once this is accomplished.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
US dollar
The US dollar is soon to be reduced to junk, not even worth the paper it is printed on, as the country does not have enough asset to back its currency and to retire its debt.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Is this the end of road for global economy?
The US is only a few years away from reaching the same debt levels that
pushed Greece to the brink of ruin, former comptroller general and head
of the Comeback America Initiative David Walker said.
The end is going to be very brutal. Collapse of US and European economy will take India's trade deficit to an unmanageable level and will push exporters out of business, which will bring industrial production to a grinding halt, making scores of people unemployed.
The end is going to be very brutal. Collapse of US and European economy will take India's trade deficit to an unmanageable level and will push exporters out of business, which will bring industrial production to a grinding halt, making scores of people unemployed.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Rahul Gandhi: "I feel ashamed to call myself an INDIAN after seeing what has happened here in UP".
Please don't be ashamed of Uttar Pradesh yet. Congress ruled the State for the Majority of the duration Pre Independence to Post Independence.. from 1939 to 1989 ( barring the Periods of Emergency.. Thanks to your Grand Mom Indira G. and a couple of transitional Governments)
8 out of the total 14 Prime Ministers of India have been from UP, 6 out of those 8 have been from Congress...
I think your party had more than half a century and half a Dozen PM's to build a State...
The Reason Mulayam Singh, subsequently came to Power is because your party wasn't exactly Gandhian in their dealings in the State.. So May be If you look at in totality the present chaos in UP is the outcome of the glorious leadership displayed by Congress in UP for about 50 years!
So Please don't feel ashamed as yet Dear Rahul.. For Mayawati is only using the Land Acquisition Bill which your party had itself used to LOOT the Farmers many times in the Past!
Not that I Endorse what Mayawati is doing.. What Mayawati is doing is Unacceptable..
But the past actions of your party and your recent comments, puts a question mark on your INTENT and CONSISTENCY.
Don't be disappointed, I would give you ample reasons to feel ashamed...
You really want to feel Ashamed ?
First Ask Pranab Mukherjee, Why isn't he giving the details of the account holders in the Swiss Banks.
Ask your Mother, Who is impeding the Investigation against Hasan Ali?
Ask her, Who got 60% Kickbacks in the 2G Scam ?
Kalamdi is accused of a Few hundred Crores, Who Pocketed the Rest in the Common Wealth Games?
Ask Praful Patel what he did to the Indian Airlines? Why did Air India let go of the Profitable Routes ?
Why should the Tax Payer pay for the Air India losses, when you intend to eventually DIVEST IT ANYWAY!!!
Alas, You People can't run an Airline Properly. How can we expect you to run the Nation?
Ask Manmohan Singh. Why/What kept him quiet for so long?
Are Kalmadi and A Raja Scapegoats to save Big Names like Harshad Mehta was in the 1992 Stock Market Scandal ?
Who let the BHOPAL GAS TRAGEDY Accused go Scot Free? ( 20,000 People died in that Tragedy)
Who ordered the State Sponsored Massacre of SIKHS in 84?
Please read more about, How Indira Gandhi pushed the Nation Under Emergency in 76-77, after the HC declared her election to Lok Sabha Void!
(I bet She had utmost respect for DEMOCRACY and JUDICIARY and FREE PRESS)
I guess you know the answers already. So My question is, Why the Double Standards in Judging Mayawati and members of your Family and Party?
I condemn Mayawati. But Is She the only one you feel Ashamed for?
What about the ones close to you? For their contribution to the Nation's Misery is beyond comparison.
You talk about the Land being taken away from the Farmers. How many Suicides have happened under your Parties Rule in Vidarbha ? Does that Not Ashame You ?
Your Party gave those Farmers a 72,000 Crore Loan Waiver. Which didn't even reach the Farmers by the way.
So, Why don't you focus on implementing the policies which your govt. has undertaken, instead of earning brownie points by trying to manufacture consent by bombarding us with pictures of having food with Poor Villagers....
You want to feel ashamed. You can feel ashamed for your Party taking CREDIT for DEBITING the Public Money (72,000 crores) from the Government Coffers and literally Wasting it...
You want to feel ashamed.. Feel ashamed for that...
Dear Rahul, to refresh your memory, you were arrested/detained by the FBI at the BOSTON Airport in September 2001.
You were carrying with you USD $ 1,60,000 in Cash. You couldn't explain why you were carrying so much Cash.
Incidentally He was with his Columbian girlfriend Veronique Cartelli, ALLEGEDLY, the Daughter of Drug Mafia.
For 9 HOURS he was detained at the Airport.
Later freed on the intervention of the then Prime Minister Mr.Vajpayee. FBI filed an equivalent of an FIR in US and released him.
When FBI was asked to divulge the information, by Right/Freedom to Information Activists about the reasons Rahul was arrested ... FBI asked for a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from Rahul Gandhi.
So Subramaniyam Swami wrote a Letter to Rahul Gandhi, " If you have NOTHING to HIDE, Give us the Permission"
Why did that arrest not make Headlines Rahul? You could have gone to the Media and told, "I am ashamed to call myself an INDIAN?".
Or is it that, you only do like to highlight Symbolic Arrests (like in UP) and not Actual Arrests ( In BOSTON)
Kindly Clarify.....
In any case, you want to feel ashamed, Read Along...
According to a Provision in the Citizenship Act.
A Foreign National who becomes a Citizen of India, is bounded by the same restrictions, which an Indian would face, If he/she were to become a Citizen of Italy.
(Condition based on principle of reciprocity)
Now Since you can't become a PM in Italy, Unless you are born there.
Likewise an Italian Citizen can't become Indian PM, unless He/She is born here!
Dr. SUBRAMANIYAM SWAMI (The Man who Exposed the 2G Scam) sent a letter to the PRESIDENT OF INDIA bringing the same to his Notice.
PRESIDENT OF INDIA sent a letter to Sonia Gandhi to this effect, at 3:30 PM, May 17th, 2004.
Swearing Ceremony was scheduled for 5 PM the same Day.
Manmohan Singh was brought in the Picture at the last moment to Save Face!!
Rest of the SACRIFICE DRAMA which she choreographed was an EYE WASH!!!
Infact Sonia Gandhi had sent, 340 letters, each signed by different MP to the PRESIDENT KALAM, supporting her candidacy for PM.
One of those letters read, I Sonia Gandhi, elected Member from Rai Bareli, hereby propose Sonia Gandhi as Prime Minister.
So SHE was Pretty INTERESTED! Until She came to know the Facts!
So She didn't make any Sacrifice, It so happens that SONIA GANDHI couldn't have become the PM of INDIA that time.
You could be Ashamed about that Dear Rahul!! One Credential Sonia G had, Even that was a HOAX!
You go to Harvard on Donation Quota. ( Hindujas Gave HARVARD 11 million dollars the same year, when Rajiv Gandhi was in Power)
Then you were expelled in 3 Months/ You Dropped out in 3 Months.... ( Sadly Manmohan Singh wasn't the Dean of Harvard that time, else you might have had a chance... Too Bad, there is only one Manmohan Singh!)
Some Accounts say, You had to Drop out because of Rajiv Gandhi's Assassination.
May be, But Then Why did you go about lying about being Masters in Economics from Harvard .. before finally taking it off your Resume upon questioning by one Dr. SUBRAMANIYAM SWAMI (The Gentlemen who exposed the 2G Scam)
At St. Stephens.. You Fail the Hindi Exam.
Hindi Exam!!!
And you are representing the Biggest Hindi Speaking State of the Country?
Sonia G gave a sworn affidavit as a Candidate that She Studied English at University of Cambridge.
According to Cambridge University, there is no such Student EVER!
Upon a Case by Dr. Subramaniyam Swami filed against her,
She subsequently dropped the CAMBRIDGE CREDENTIAL from her Affidavit.
Sonia Gandhi didn't even pass High School. She is just 5th class Pass!
In this sense, She shares a common Educational Background with her 2G Partner in Crime, Karunanidhi.
You Fake your Educational Degree, Your Mother Fakes her Educational Degree.
And then you go out saying, " We want Educated Youth into Politics!"
Contrast that with Subhas Chandra Bose, who your party hates most, who is the first Indian to clear Indian Civil Service, gave up everything for his country's freedom and sacrificed his lfe. Who your (Great) Great Grandpa vowed to fight with a sword if he ever dares to make a comeback. Whom you didn't let reveal his identity Post Independence ,even though he came back to his motherland and died unsung and unheralded.
Or Gandhi Ji , who went to South Africa, Became a Barrister, on Merit, Left all that to work for South Africa, then for the Country....
Not that Education is a Prerequisite for being a great Leader, but then you shouldn't have lied about your qualifications!
You could feel a little ashamed about Lying about your Educational Qualifications. You had your reasons I know, Because in India, WE RESPECT EDUCATION!
But who cares about Education, When you are a Youth Icon!!
You traveled in the Local Train for the first time at the Age of 38.
You went to some Villages as a part of Election Campaign.
And You won a Youth Icon!! ... That's why You are my Youth Icon.
For 25 Million People travel by Train Everyday. You are the First Person to win a Youth Icon for boarding a Train.
Thousands of Postmen go to remotest of Villages. None of them have yet gotten a Youth Icon.
You were neither YOUNG Nor ICONIC!
Still You became a Youth Icon beating Iconic and Younger Contenders like RAHUL DRAVID.
Shakespeare said, What's in a Name?
Little did he knew, It's all in the Name, Especially the Surname!
Speaking of Surname, Sir
Because the Name on your Passport is RAUL VINCI.
May be if you wrote your Surname as Gandhi, you would have experienced, what Gandhi feels like, LITERALLY ( Pun Intended)
You People don't seem to use Gandhi much, except when you are fighting Elections. ( There it makes complete sense).
Imagine fighting elections by the Name Raul Vinci...
It feels sadly Ironic, Gandhi Ji, who inspired Icons like Nelson Mandela ,Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lennon, across the world, Couldn't inspire members of his party/ Nehru's Family, who only seem to use his Surname for the purposes of FIGHTING ELECTIONS and conveniently use a different name on their PASSPORT.
You use the name GANDHI at will and then say, " Mujhe yeh YUVRAJ shabd Insulting lagta hai! Kyonki aaj Hindustan mein Democracy hai, aur is shabd ka koi matlab nahin hai!
YUVRAJ, Itna hi Insulting lagta hai, to lad lo RAUL VINCI ke Naam se!!! Jin Kisano ke saath photo khinchate ho woh bhi isliye entertain karte hain ki GANDHI ho.. RAUL VINCI bol ke Jao... Ghar mein nahin ghusaenge!!!
You could feel ashamed for your Double Standards.
Now You want Youth to Join Politics.
I say First you Join Politics.
Because you haven't Joined Politics. You have Joined a Family Business.
First you Join Politics. Win an Election fighting as RAUL VINCI and Not Rahul Gandhi, then come and ask the youth and the Educated Brass for more involvement in Politics.
Also till then, Please don't give me examples of Sachin Pilot and Milind Deora and Naveen Jindal as youth who have joined Politics..
They are not Politicians. They Just happen to be Politicians.
Much Like Abhishek Bachchan and other Star Sons are not Actors. They just happen to be Actors (For Obvious Reasons)
So, We would appreciate if you stop requesting the Youth to Join Politics till you establish your credentials...
Rahul Baba, Please understand, Your Father had a lot of money in your Family account ( in Swiss Bank) when he died.
Ordinary Youth has to WORK FOR A LIVING.
If our Father had left thousands of Crores with us, We might consider doing the same..
But we have to Work. Not just for ourselves. But also for you. So that we can pay 30% of our Income to the Govt. which can then be channelized to the Swiss Banks and your Personal Accounts under some Pseudo Names.
So Rahul, Please don't mind If the Youth doesn't Join Politics. We are doing our best to fund your Election Campaigns and your Chopper Trips to the Villages.
Somebody has to Earn the Money that Politicians Feed On.
Air India, KG Gas, 2G, CWG, SWISS BANK Account Details... Hasan Ali, KGB., FBI Arrest..
You want to feel ashamed ??
Feel Ashamed for what the First Family of Politics has been reduced to...
A Money Laundering Enterprise.
NO WONDER YOU ARE NOT GANDHI'S BY BLOOD. GANDHI is an adopted Name. For Indira didn't marry Mahatma Gandhi's Son.
You really want to feel Ashamed !!!
Feel Ashamed for what you ' SO CALLED GANDHI'S' have done to MAHATMA'S Legacy..
I so wish GANDHI JI had Copyrighted his Name!
Meanwhile, I would request Sonia Gandhi to change her name to SONIA GANDHI, and you could replace the 'R' in RAHUL/RAUL by the New Rupee Symbol!!!
RAUL VINCI : I am ashamed to call myself an Indian.
Even we are ashamed to call you so!
P.S: Popular Media is either bought or blackmailed, controlled to Manufacture Consent!
My Guess is Social Media is still a Democratic Platform. (Now they are trying to put legislations to censor that too!!)
Meanwhile, Let's ask these questions, for we deserve some Answers.
For we are all Gandhi's. For Bapu is the Father of the Nation!
Please don't be ashamed of Uttar Pradesh yet. Congress ruled the State for the Majority of the duration Pre Independence to Post Independence.. from 1939 to 1989 ( barring the Periods of Emergency.. Thanks to your Grand Mom Indira G. and a couple of transitional Governments)
8 out of the total 14 Prime Ministers of India have been from UP, 6 out of those 8 have been from Congress...
I think your party had more than half a century and half a Dozen PM's to build a State...
The Reason Mulayam Singh, subsequently came to Power is because your party wasn't exactly Gandhian in their dealings in the State.. So May be If you look at in totality the present chaos in UP is the outcome of the glorious leadership displayed by Congress in UP for about 50 years!
So Please don't feel ashamed as yet Dear Rahul.. For Mayawati is only using the Land Acquisition Bill which your party had itself used to LOOT the Farmers many times in the Past!
Not that I Endorse what Mayawati is doing.. What Mayawati is doing is Unacceptable..
But the past actions of your party and your recent comments, puts a question mark on your INTENT and CONSISTENCY.
Don't be disappointed, I would give you ample reasons to feel ashamed...
You really want to feel Ashamed ?
First Ask Pranab Mukherjee, Why isn't he giving the details of the account holders in the Swiss Banks.
Ask your Mother, Who is impeding the Investigation against Hasan Ali?
Ask her, Who got 60% Kickbacks in the 2G Scam ?
Kalamdi is accused of a Few hundred Crores, Who Pocketed the Rest in the Common Wealth Games?
Ask Praful Patel what he did to the Indian Airlines? Why did Air India let go of the Profitable Routes ?
Why should the Tax Payer pay for the Air India losses, when you intend to eventually DIVEST IT ANYWAY!!!
Alas, You People can't run an Airline Properly. How can we expect you to run the Nation?
Ask Manmohan Singh. Why/What kept him quiet for so long?
Are Kalmadi and A Raja Scapegoats to save Big Names like Harshad Mehta was in the 1992 Stock Market Scandal ?
Who let the BHOPAL GAS TRAGEDY Accused go Scot Free? ( 20,000 People died in that Tragedy)
Who ordered the State Sponsored Massacre of SIKHS in 84?
Please read more about, How Indira Gandhi pushed the Nation Under Emergency in 76-77, after the HC declared her election to Lok Sabha Void!
(I bet She had utmost respect for DEMOCRACY and JUDICIARY and FREE PRESS)
I guess you know the answers already. So My question is, Why the Double Standards in Judging Mayawati and members of your Family and Party?
I condemn Mayawati. But Is She the only one you feel Ashamed for?
What about the ones close to you? For their contribution to the Nation's Misery is beyond comparison.
You talk about the Land being taken away from the Farmers. How many Suicides have happened under your Parties Rule in Vidarbha ? Does that Not Ashame You ?
Your Party gave those Farmers a 72,000 Crore Loan Waiver. Which didn't even reach the Farmers by the way.
So, Why don't you focus on implementing the policies which your govt. has undertaken, instead of earning brownie points by trying to manufacture consent by bombarding us with pictures of having food with Poor Villagers....
You want to feel ashamed. You can feel ashamed for your Party taking CREDIT for DEBITING the Public Money (72,000 crores) from the Government Coffers and literally Wasting it...
You want to feel ashamed.. Feel ashamed for that...
Dear Rahul, to refresh your memory, you were arrested/detained by the FBI at the BOSTON Airport in September 2001.
You were carrying with you USD $ 1,60,000 in Cash. You couldn't explain why you were carrying so much Cash.
Incidentally He was with his Columbian girlfriend Veronique Cartelli, ALLEGEDLY, the Daughter of Drug Mafia.
For 9 HOURS he was detained at the Airport.
Later freed on the intervention of the then Prime Minister Mr.Vajpayee. FBI filed an equivalent of an FIR in US and released him.
When FBI was asked to divulge the information, by Right/Freedom to Information Activists about the reasons Rahul was arrested ... FBI asked for a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from Rahul Gandhi.
So Subramaniyam Swami wrote a Letter to Rahul Gandhi, " If you have NOTHING to HIDE, Give us the Permission"
Why did that arrest not make Headlines Rahul? You could have gone to the Media and told, "I am ashamed to call myself an INDIAN?".
Or is it that, you only do like to highlight Symbolic Arrests (like in UP) and not Actual Arrests ( In BOSTON)
Kindly Clarify.....
In any case, you want to feel ashamed, Read Along...
According to a Provision in the Citizenship Act.
A Foreign National who becomes a Citizen of India, is bounded by the same restrictions, which an Indian would face, If he/she were to become a Citizen of Italy.
(Condition based on principle of reciprocity)
Now Since you can't become a PM in Italy, Unless you are born there.
Likewise an Italian Citizen can't become Indian PM, unless He/She is born here!
Dr. SUBRAMANIYAM SWAMI (The Man who Exposed the 2G Scam) sent a letter to the PRESIDENT OF INDIA bringing the same to his Notice.
PRESIDENT OF INDIA sent a letter to Sonia Gandhi to this effect, at 3:30 PM, May 17th, 2004.
Swearing Ceremony was scheduled for 5 PM the same Day.
Manmohan Singh was brought in the Picture at the last moment to Save Face!!
Rest of the SACRIFICE DRAMA which she choreographed was an EYE WASH!!!
Infact Sonia Gandhi had sent, 340 letters, each signed by different MP to the PRESIDENT KALAM, supporting her candidacy for PM.
One of those letters read, I Sonia Gandhi, elected Member from Rai Bareli, hereby propose Sonia Gandhi as Prime Minister.
So SHE was Pretty INTERESTED! Until She came to know the Facts!
So She didn't make any Sacrifice, It so happens that SONIA GANDHI couldn't have become the PM of INDIA that time.
You could be Ashamed about that Dear Rahul!! One Credential Sonia G had, Even that was a HOAX!
You go to Harvard on Donation Quota. ( Hindujas Gave HARVARD 11 million dollars the same year, when Rajiv Gandhi was in Power)
Then you were expelled in 3 Months/ You Dropped out in 3 Months.... ( Sadly Manmohan Singh wasn't the Dean of Harvard that time, else you might have had a chance... Too Bad, there is only one Manmohan Singh!)
Some Accounts say, You had to Drop out because of Rajiv Gandhi's Assassination.
May be, But Then Why did you go about lying about being Masters in Economics from Harvard .. before finally taking it off your Resume upon questioning by one Dr. SUBRAMANIYAM SWAMI (The Gentlemen who exposed the 2G Scam)
At St. Stephens.. You Fail the Hindi Exam.
Hindi Exam!!!
And you are representing the Biggest Hindi Speaking State of the Country?
Sonia G gave a sworn affidavit as a Candidate that She Studied English at University of Cambridge.
According to Cambridge University, there is no such Student EVER!
Upon a Case by Dr. Subramaniyam Swami filed against her,
She subsequently dropped the CAMBRIDGE CREDENTIAL from her Affidavit.
Sonia Gandhi didn't even pass High School. She is just 5th class Pass!
In this sense, She shares a common Educational Background with her 2G Partner in Crime, Karunanidhi.
You Fake your Educational Degree, Your Mother Fakes her Educational Degree.
And then you go out saying, " We want Educated Youth into Politics!"
Contrast that with Subhas Chandra Bose, who your party hates most, who is the first Indian to clear Indian Civil Service, gave up everything for his country's freedom and sacrificed his lfe. Who your (Great) Great Grandpa vowed to fight with a sword if he ever dares to make a comeback. Whom you didn't let reveal his identity Post Independence ,even though he came back to his motherland and died unsung and unheralded.
Or Gandhi Ji , who went to South Africa, Became a Barrister, on Merit, Left all that to work for South Africa, then for the Country....
Not that Education is a Prerequisite for being a great Leader, but then you shouldn't have lied about your qualifications!
You could feel a little ashamed about Lying about your Educational Qualifications. You had your reasons I know, Because in India, WE RESPECT EDUCATION!
But who cares about Education, When you are a Youth Icon!!
You traveled in the Local Train for the first time at the Age of 38.
You went to some Villages as a part of Election Campaign.
And You won a Youth Icon!! ... That's why You are my Youth Icon.
For 25 Million People travel by Train Everyday. You are the First Person to win a Youth Icon for boarding a Train.
Thousands of Postmen go to remotest of Villages. None of them have yet gotten a Youth Icon.
You were neither YOUNG Nor ICONIC!
Still You became a Youth Icon beating Iconic and Younger Contenders like RAHUL DRAVID.
Shakespeare said, What's in a Name?
Little did he knew, It's all in the Name, Especially the Surname!
Speaking of Surname, Sir
Because the Name on your Passport is RAUL VINCI.
May be if you wrote your Surname as Gandhi, you would have experienced, what Gandhi feels like, LITERALLY ( Pun Intended)
You People don't seem to use Gandhi much, except when you are fighting Elections. ( There it makes complete sense).
Imagine fighting elections by the Name Raul Vinci...
It feels sadly Ironic, Gandhi Ji, who inspired Icons like Nelson Mandela ,Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lennon, across the world, Couldn't inspire members of his party/ Nehru's Family, who only seem to use his Surname for the purposes of FIGHTING ELECTIONS and conveniently use a different name on their PASSPORT.
You use the name GANDHI at will and then say, " Mujhe yeh YUVRAJ shabd Insulting lagta hai! Kyonki aaj Hindustan mein Democracy hai, aur is shabd ka koi matlab nahin hai!
YUVRAJ, Itna hi Insulting lagta hai, to lad lo RAUL VINCI ke Naam se!!! Jin Kisano ke saath photo khinchate ho woh bhi isliye entertain karte hain ki GANDHI ho.. RAUL VINCI bol ke Jao... Ghar mein nahin ghusaenge!!!
You could feel ashamed for your Double Standards.
Now You want Youth to Join Politics.
I say First you Join Politics.
Because you haven't Joined Politics. You have Joined a Family Business.
First you Join Politics. Win an Election fighting as RAUL VINCI and Not Rahul Gandhi, then come and ask the youth and the Educated Brass for more involvement in Politics.
Also till then, Please don't give me examples of Sachin Pilot and Milind Deora and Naveen Jindal as youth who have joined Politics..
They are not Politicians. They Just happen to be Politicians.
Much Like Abhishek Bachchan and other Star Sons are not Actors. They just happen to be Actors (For Obvious Reasons)
So, We would appreciate if you stop requesting the Youth to Join Politics till you establish your credentials...
Rahul Baba, Please understand, Your Father had a lot of money in your Family account ( in Swiss Bank) when he died.
Ordinary Youth has to WORK FOR A LIVING.
If our Father had left thousands of Crores with us, We might consider doing the same..
But we have to Work. Not just for ourselves. But also for you. So that we can pay 30% of our Income to the Govt. which can then be channelized to the Swiss Banks and your Personal Accounts under some Pseudo Names.
So Rahul, Please don't mind If the Youth doesn't Join Politics. We are doing our best to fund your Election Campaigns and your Chopper Trips to the Villages.
Somebody has to Earn the Money that Politicians Feed On.
Air India, KG Gas, 2G, CWG, SWISS BANK Account Details... Hasan Ali, KGB., FBI Arrest..
You want to feel ashamed ??
Feel Ashamed for what the First Family of Politics has been reduced to...
A Money Laundering Enterprise.
NO WONDER YOU ARE NOT GANDHI'S BY BLOOD. GANDHI is an adopted Name. For Indira didn't marry Mahatma Gandhi's Son.
You really want to feel Ashamed !!!
Feel Ashamed for what you ' SO CALLED GANDHI'S' have done to MAHATMA'S Legacy..
I so wish GANDHI JI had Copyrighted his Name!
Meanwhile, I would request Sonia Gandhi to change her name to SONIA GANDHI, and you could replace the 'R' in RAHUL/RAUL by the New Rupee Symbol!!!
RAUL VINCI : I am ashamed to call myself an Indian.
Even we are ashamed to call you so!
P.S: Popular Media is either bought or blackmailed, controlled to Manufacture Consent!
My Guess is Social Media is still a Democratic Platform. (Now they are trying to put legislations to censor that too!!)
Meanwhile, Let's ask these questions, for we deserve some Answers.
For we are all Gandhi's. For Bapu is the Father of the Nation!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Brothers in Arms - Misappropriating a Fortune
Ministry of Corporate Affairs must immediately initiate investigation against "Poster child of everything wrong with Corporate India” - Reliance Corporate group, in light of veritas report.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Veil of secrecy enjoyed by private sector
RTI must include in its ambit private corporate houses as they are enjoying various concessional services extended by Central and State governments.
Obscenity in Public life
Entertainment media is primarily responsible for spreading vulgarity in people's mind and behaviour thru obscene dialogues.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Mother of all scam waiting to be unravelled.
Is the CBI raid on the premises of 7 former officials of the DGH, a technical advisory arm of the petroleum ministry, a canny red herring meant to deflect attention from the larger issues ailing the petroleum sector? Many experts subscribe to this view, warning that the level of scams waiting to be unearthed in the petroleum sector will put the 2G-spectrum scam in the pale. “I fear that the CBI action at this juncture may be politically convenient to take attention away from uncomfortable issues and focus on DGH lapses,” a former top bureaucrat says, rather candidly.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
India Against Corruption
India against Corruption must fight election in all the seats in the next general election. All the citizens of this country will donate his/her one day wage/salary to make it a grand success. The real change in the environment, which is nothing short of a revolution, can be brought about only by forming government at the Centre.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Climate to wreak havoc on food supply
Govt. must improve infrastructure for storage of foodgrain.
Illegal wealth stashed in foreign banks.
GOI should publish the names it received from Swiss Banks and from Banks in Germany and Litchenstein and get back the money deposited there by Indians immediately, without wasting any more time by forming useless committees and talking nonsense like violation of clauses of double taxation avoidance treaty etc. It only proves GOI's active connivance and indifference to the whole issue.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
Murky deeds of Amar singh
Rs 400 crore. 600 companies. Dozens of proxy directors.
THE UTTAR Pradesh Police have dug out incriminating evidence of moneylaundering and black money against Amar Singh, the Rajya Sabha member and former general secretary of the Samajwadi Party.
THE UTTAR Pradesh Police have dug out incriminating evidence of moneylaundering and black money against Amar Singh, the Rajya Sabha member and former general secretary of the Samajwadi Party.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
PAC report on 2G scam
Congress has the habit of rejecting unfavourable investigation report like Mukherjee commission report on Netaji and now PAC report on 2G scam, for which it surely has a lot to answer for.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Black money
Pranab Mukherjee must issue clarification on why he misled the nation on avoidance of double taxation treaty as revealed by Assange.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Corruption in Govt.
That Anil Ambani is not named in the second chargesheet also, filed by CBI in the 2G scam case, amply demonstrates the corruption in govt. and abject surrender of the investigating agency CBI before govt. influence.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Election in WB
Do not cast a single vote for the communists in honour of the memory of those killed,burnt,maimed and raped by them. Remember this is your final chance for the next five years to rid yourself from the terror and oppression of the commies.
Friday, April 15, 2011
United Political front
Politicians cutting across party lines have united to malign the civil society representatives in the draft lokpal bill committee and to ensure that the bill does not see light of the day.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Fuel Price hike on the cards
Diesel price to be decontrolled fully, LPG & kerosene price to be hiked substantially, post assembly elections in five states, by mid may.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Spot the similarities
Scientists working on human genome project may study the similarities in the genes of the above two, as is apparently visible in their shape of nose, chins, eyes etc.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Agitated media
Section of media is highly agitated as their tenure of public preaching and opinion forming on behalf of various interest groups such as politicians and industrial houses come to an end. Which may have a direct bearing on their revenue.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
India against corruption
India against corruption should not allow any political party to associate itself with it. Its an apolotical, non-religious, people's movement. Politicians will destroy it completely.
Ramdev is playing in the hands of vested interests. The sooner he realises it, better for him. Else people will stop taking him seriously.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Constitution to be amended
Each MLA/MP aspirant has to get NOC from majority of his/her electorate for being eligible to file nomination.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
2G SCAM Punishment
Erring telcos' license to be cancelled and barred from any future spectrum allocation process, in addition to the jail term for criminal conspiracy, fraud and cheating. Spectrum thus allotted to be withdrawn and auctioned afresh. Money paid by the telcos' for spectrum to be forfeited as penalty.
Rahul Gandhi - from Kalavati to Salman Khan
Guilty of murder due to drunken driving, killer of protected animal.
What a hell defying rise !!!
What a hell defying rise !!!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Join Anna Hazare's Fast To Bring the Jan Lokpal Bill
Anna Hazare will commence a fast unto death from April 5 2011 in
support of the Jan Lokpal Bill. You can join the fight against
corruption! Join Anna, and fast with him for a day, or as long as you
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Pro US policy will bring doom for India.
US is no one's friend as is amply proven in Union Carbide case, Iran gas pipeline case, ignoring terrorism by Pakistan in India and now bullying Germany in Iran payment case proves.
India must not give in to US pressure to go for nuclear power plant which would be suicidal as has been devastatingly demonstrated in Japan.
India must not give in to US pressure to go for nuclear power plant which would be suicidal as has been devastatingly demonstrated in Japan.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Things to come
Tsunami in Japan - precursor of things to come in 2012. Don't waste your money in equity market. Eat drink n make merry.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Know things in advance
Check my facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=683092544 and know what is going to happen in future well ahead of others and take correct decisions.
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